A Mid-Day Reflection | Teen Ink

A Mid-Day Reflection

June 18, 2019
By PoeticMan GOLD, Fort Worth, Texas
PoeticMan GOLD, Fort Worth, Texas
16 articles 3 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable."

- Socrates

As I walk through the shaded grove,

Looking back on life,

I see heaps of disappointment,

Malice built up through strife

I thought I would amount to more,

With some huge undertaking I would do,

But as I see my predicament in retrospect,

I was truly waiting on God, but he never gave me the cue

Still pondering my past,

I glance up from the trodden ground,

And my eyes fill with wonder

At the beauty I’ve found

Hues of red, orange, and gold scatter the leafy canopy,

And a stream of light breaks through the branches above

As if to convey the presence of God

Wrapping me in omniscient love

Then I hear a voice from within say, “Son,

You are not a failure, so get that out of your head,

For you fulfilled your purpose in this world,

To spread love and joy to resemble the life I led

For those who mocked me

And for whom I bled”

The author's comments:

“A Mid-Day Reflection” illustrates the reality that, in life, often-times people are so busy searching for fulfillment in what they think is their purpose that they miss the true will of God working through their lives.

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