Monotone | Teen Ink


May 30, 2019
By Isaac_A BRONZE, Pacific Palisades, California
Isaac_A BRONZE, Pacific Palisades, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Monotone is boring

monotone is white rice

monotone is an all black zebra

monotone is a plain t-shirt

and a blank hoodie.

Monotone is a road with no forks

a fork with no prongs

a prong with no points

and a point with no end.

But who doesn’t like monotone?

Who doesn’t like white rice?

Who doesn’t like an all black zebra?

Who doesn’t like a plain t-shirt?

Who doesn’t like a plain hoodie?

They make fried rice taste like a symphony

Make zebras catch the eye

And make graphic t-shirts pop.

The author's comments:

I'm monotone.

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