Out of the Nest | Teen Ink

Out of the Nest

January 7, 2019
By Willatree BRONZE, Bedford, Massachusetts
Willatree BRONZE, Bedford, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Tell me, what do you plan to do with your one, wild and precious life?” - Mary Oliver

I hatch with want of risk, a notion,
Pulsing through my frame
My weakness; strength
My strength deception,
Spirit: wild. feathers: tame.

She took me under wing with warning
Below the edge the water flows
The mountains endless
end undoing
Any progress mother knows

She made my future twig by twig
Her passion craving rest
So patience waits
The child awaiting
Her push out of the nest

I long for challenge, fear and pain
In certain, subtle places
The chance to jump
The chance to see
New strange, and different faces

This is your life, your choice she says
Your strength, your wings and claws
So take your time,
And take your chances
Within restraint of laws

I stretched my wings and then took flight
To learn what living takes
To look back first
yet in new light
To make my own mistakes

The author's comments:

This poem is about freedom and protection, and goes out to kids leaving there homes, or anyone ready to sacrifice safety to seek new dreams

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