Untitled | Teen Ink


October 30, 2018
By FearlessStars BRONZE, Tucson, Arizona
FearlessStars BRONZE, Tucson, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I've loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night - Galileo Galilei

After we broke up, I locked myself in my own mini world

My friends would pound at the door

Telling me that I need to live,

That he wasn’t my whole world

They were right

He wasn’t my whole world,

But he made my world whole

After two months of hiding in my shadow

I finally gave in and I went to a party

People got drunk

The world spinned

My friend crashed and right when the two cars collided

My world fell apart

That night I’d realize that I spent to much time going in endless circles

I forgot what happened in the real world

My dependable friends took my car keys away from me,

Knowing that I wouldn’t be able see through my tears that night as I drove

But they didn’t take away my phone

I texted him

Unleashing the tears from the hole he dug in my heart

Hurling the sorrow from the accident at him

And almost a second right after he responded

Do you want to talk?

And my answer surprised me more then his question


The author's comments:

This poem kinda came out of nowhere. I was just listening to some music and I was like hey I should try writing a poem just from thin air. It was something I liked to do over the summer when I was bored, but once I started to write this one I was like OK this could actually get somewhere. It has a very intense feel to it and it actually kinda sacred me when I realized that I could write something with so much emotion. This is my first piece of writing that I've made public so I hope everyone who reads it enjoys it!

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