8 Letters | Teen Ink

8 Letters

October 24, 2018
By this_unflower PLATINUM, Lincoln, Rhode Island
this_unflower PLATINUM, Lincoln, Rhode Island
46 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
i will never understand
why you held me
if you were afraid of warmth

you should have known
i was fire

- Rupi Kaur , the sun and her flowers

“I like you.”

If I felt my heart drop-

felt it plummet-

collapse through muscle and ribs,

bones and tendons.

Thud lifelessly against the glass floor

and crack that shiny clear surface in two as if

it meant something,

as if after hearing those words I ever had a heart,

as if I ever felt the weight of it

Its steady beat behind my lungs

might as well have


because I told you

“I love you”

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