From Dust to Purity | Teen Ink

From Dust to Purity

January 25, 2023
By Nuwz BRONZE, Irvine, California
Nuwz BRONZE, Irvine, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

That first note from that key I pressed years ago,
From that string I strummed years ago,
To that pitch I sang long ago,
Who knew that would be my place now, a very long time after.


With all the things I need although it's old, 
Although it's dusty,
Nothing ever starts with being shiny.


It all has to be cleaned to be sold,
It all has to be dusty and dirty to be cleaned,
It all can't be shiny without being polished,
Like a diamond being mined in a cave,
Like a flower being bought from a store,
It has to be dirty from the ground to the bush that it grew on.
You can't be rich and at the top without building your way up.


My equipment may be old and dusty,
But it never failed me, I always made it clean and shiny.
I worked my way up here, honed my skills and made myself proud.
Everything is made with and from dust.

The author's comments:

I did a writing activity with one of my older sisters and older cousins, and we had to listen to an instrumental and write something that came to us while listening to the instrumental. The video showed a guy in a music studio making the music and the instrumental is called "From Dust", so by writing this, it shows what I think the instrumental "From Dust" makes me think of and how I feel when listening to it. 

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