I Say to America | Teen Ink

I Say to America

December 19, 2007
By Anonymous

I say to America's people that they can think whatever they want about other people's opinions. However, do not say anything to that person out loud, or else there will be chaos. For example, I'm Christian, and it's okay to not like God. But I do not want people insulting my religion. Same for people against other religions, races, or personalities.

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This article has 4 comments.

Pigasus said...
on Apr. 28 2014 at 12:15 am
Pigasus, San Jose, California
0 articles 0 photos 13 comments

Favorite Quote:
The third-rate mind is only happy when it is thinking with the majority. The second-rate mind is only happy when it is thinking with the minority. The first-rate mind is only happy when it is thinking.

A. A. Milne

I don't think anyone actually dislikes God. people might believe he's real, or they might not, but no one dislikes him.

on Feb. 20 2014 at 5:32 pm
SomethingWitty, No, Other
0 articles 0 photos 22 comments
I completely agree and thank you for allowing others to think what they will.   At the same time, however, I think to further refine my own belief and better understand others it's great to have conversations about things like religion. I am not religious, but many of my friends are and through our conversations about the topic they've told me it helped them solidify their faith further. I believe that opinions are meant to be challenged, and thus respectful conversation is always helpful. And frankly I find it a little–lot–closed-minded to not listen to what others believe, either out of fear it could change what you believe, or otherwise. 

on Oct. 24 2010 at 5:19 pm
Dragonscribe BRONZE, West Lafayette, Indiana
4 articles 0 photos 303 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A Person's a Person no Matter how Small"
"A Rose by Any Other Name Would Smell as Sweet"
"God helps those who help themselves"

I do not think it is all right to dislike God. I believe all His children should love and adore Him, and that way we can all be happy in Heaven together. However, I understand your point that people shouldn't shove their beliefs in other people's faces. When asked about my faith, I answer, and I do attempt to sound convincing. But I try not to be too forceful - that's not the way to go.

on Oct. 23 2009 at 11:51 pm
catholic_girl_101 BRONZE, Melbourne, Other
2 articles 0 photos 6 comments
I totally agree, Jessie.