Teen Pregnancy Is Not a Great Thing! | Teen Ink

Teen Pregnancy Is Not a Great Thing!

February 12, 2016
By Krystalmaree BRONZE, Hornell, New York
Krystalmaree BRONZE, Hornell, New York
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All I see anymore on Facebook, TV, and really any media is all these young people being completely obsessed with idea of being a teen parent. Part of that is because if the many shows the media puts on television, such as Teen Mom, Secret Life of the American Teenager,and 16 and Pregnant, where they glorify and romanticize teenage pregnancy. It is not an okay thing! We’re in high school, we’re just starting to grow up. We are still so reliant on our parents and families to do things for us. We can’t afford to be having children, when we ourselves are still children.

I’m not saying we can stop teens from getting pregnant, because we can’t. We just need to stop publicizing it and putting it out there as such a great thing. Instead, we should showing how incredibly hard parenting is. Then, maybe, teens would realize, “Wow, I’m still so young. Maybe school should be my number one priority. Maybe after life's settled down I’ll think about kids.”

I understand that things can happen: Condoms break and birth control fails. But think about how hard pregnancy can be for you. Would you want another young teenage girl to go through the same struggle? I wouldn't. What if you had a teen daughter in the future? You wouldn’t want her following the media and all these other pregnant teens. It needs to stop being bragged about on social media like it’s such a great thing, and like every teen should be having children, when they shouldn’t.

The author's comments:

So many friends of mine(The same age as me) are getting pregnant. I kind of noticed it after one had a baby, the rest started getting pregnant. I feel that's becuase the media as well as the young teens feel they need to romanticize it everywhere.

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