The Flag | Teen Ink

The Flag

November 6, 2015
By Brianna16 SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Brianna16 SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When I see of the red, white, and blue waving in the wind, I think freedom of religion, speech, and press.

Freedom gives me confidence. Freedom of speech allows me to say what I want,  it gives me strength, and it allows me to speak up for what I believe in. In 1738, in Mount Vernon, VA, George Washington said, “If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to slaughter.” Washington suggests there would be war if there was no freedom of speech. This country wouldn’t be what it is today without freedom.  America is strong, and successful country because everyone speaks what they want for this country is red white, and blue for a reason. The American Flag. 

Freedom of press allows me to write what I believe in. Expressing what I believe in, gives me more confidence as a person. Confidence is a key word in this country because without confidence we wouldn’t be one and we wouldn’t have freedom.

There is not only freedom of the press, but also freedom of religion. People believe in different lifestyles and religions. But people have the freedom to do what we want. We have the freedom to believe in what is important to us. America has diversity in religion and I like that we get to believe what we want.

Freedom of speech, religion, and press are the First Amendment for a reason.  Freedom has given us opportunities in the country we are today, it has created peace, and made America a happy place. Freedom is the strongest word to represent the America Flag.

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