Hope for Humility | Teen Ink

Hope for Humility

June 11, 2014
By Kelsey Baum BRONZE, Manalapan, New Jersey
Kelsey Baum BRONZE, Manalapan, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Although it is the most vital trait to possess, humility is often overlooked in modern society. The general public is so used to being subject to the arrogant, authoritative, and selfish opinions of celebrities seen in the media that the idea of a “down-to-earth” person sounds almost refreshing. The same applies to everyday life when millions of people on social media websites post every good deed they have ever done online in order to provoke response from peers. Each of these truths reside on one common factor; the natural instinct of humans to desire praise and approval from others. Though some are reluctant to admit it, there is truly no denying that deep down, each person yearns to have his or her work noticed by someone else. This natural need is difficult to tame for many, considering the dissociation of many from flashy celebrities and the public annoyance with social media. Although it may seem as though every person has been taken over by selfishness, there are still few people that are able to successfully control their desire of receiving unnecessary attention. Those people have accomplished the “impossible” in today’s society; they keep their acts of righteousness to themselves because they hold the ability to be content with personal satisfaction. Finding someone who is completely humble is very daunting when everybody is completely focused on those who continuously demand self-attention. If everybody was more preoccupied on how much their acts of kindness are helping others, they would need no false sense of gratitude from their surroundings. Obtaining humility can do more than just lessen public annoyance; it can create the ability to better the morals of human beings in general, which is something that is currently lacking in society.

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