Rare Item Found!: Common Sense | Teen Ink

Rare Item Found!: Common Sense

December 18, 2013
By DayBreak SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
DayBreak SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Logic dictates that something known as “common” cannot be rare, but surely this much cannot be said about “common” sense. The rarity of “common” sense is the reason why Americans need warning labels to tell them that their hot coffee is going to be hot, it’s the reason why students get hurt at school, it’s even the reason why students get kicked out of class, and it’s so rare it can even cause car accidents. Just a little thought can go a long way.

I fail to see the logic (if any) in standing behind a large, heavy metal door during the time switching between classes at school, especially if you’re going to get upset when someone hits you with the door. “Oh, sorry I hit you with that solid metal door that you were hiding behind, I didn’t see you there”. Maybe next time you won’t stand so close to that solid (as in not transparent!) metal door, which is located in a high-traffic stairwell. When you know there are going to be tons of people going in and out of the door, you can’t get upset with them for hitting you with it as they try to get to class. Using a little logic or “common sense” saves you the pain of stupidity. It’s your fault for standing behind the door instead of going to class, to avoid the bruises, GET TO CLASS! Stay with the flow of traffic and all runs smoothly.

Speaking of traffic, why does it make sense to stick the front end of your car out into a lane of traffic if you can’t make your turn anyway? YOU ARE GOING TO GET HIT! Science alone can prove to you that this is a bad idea, and you don’t even have to be a genius at science to understand that. Two objects cannot occupy the same space at the same time; it’s called the law of mass. The law of mass is why when an object that takes the place of another, the original object can no longer occupy that place, so with the understanding of mass, you would know that cars cannot go through you without moving you too, this scenario is known as a “car crash”.

To avoid “crashing” in the middle of class, you might want to try some hot coffee. Have you ever noticed there is a warning label on EVERY Styrofoam cup that reads “CAUTION! : Contents may be hot!”? In America, nothing gets done until someone gets hurt, so the idea that this label is on EVERY cup means that someone was stupid enough to order hot coffee and hurt themselves with it and blame the business that distributed the coffee to them. This is saddening that the citizens of America have become this ignorant that we need special cups to remind us that we bought hot coffee and that we can’t just have the common sense to display some caution when handling suspicious liquids. Now that you’ve safely enjoyed your hot, caffeinated coffee, you won’t fall asleep in class!

On the other hand, now you’re so hyper you can’t quite function like a normal human being. So you decide to disrupt class because you can. Make sense? It shouldn’t. These actions don’t make any sense; no logic has ever even grazed these actions.

Without logic, or “common sense”, people get hurt. Save yourself some pain and just take some time to think. It won’t take much, I promise, just a little thought goes a long way.

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