Realism is not Pessimism | Teen Ink

Realism is not Pessimism

December 21, 2012
By Anonymous

The mind has tendencies, of that there is no doubt. The one it's most partial to - wandering, and in turn wondering. Through my short life so far I at least have discovered mine tends to put on it's coat and pick up it's walking stick with a ready snarl and pessimistic outlook.

This 'attitude' is commonly conceived as having a 'negative view of the world'[. I for one do not see it that way, I believe this is where the terms 'realist' and 'idealist' come into play?

People ( by 'people' I refer to the common consumer driven product of this corrupt society who goes through life convincing themselves they are not) often seem to believe that realism is reserved for people with little or no imagination. I can assure you this is not the case as I myself have 'imagined' in great details the many ways in which these people could be eradicated from this planet. Metaphorically, of course..

If you would like for a moment to take into consideration the fact that we might possibly be no where near the point at which we are today without these so called 'realists'

For example I doubt very much I would be able to hold this pen (with which this article was originally written) if some person had not at some point got very frustrated and with a quill and pot of ink and decided that 'realistically' it was not practical and an alternative must be created.

Hence with point, evidence and analyse complete I conclude this piece. Thank you for reading.

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