Human Nature | Teen Ink

Human Nature

March 7, 2023
By 姜雨泽 BRONZE, Timnath, Colorado
姜雨泽 BRONZE, Timnath, Colorado
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I know somewhat about humans themselves. Everyone in the world has a “common value” which is that they all want something that benefits themselves. Even though there are some very rare exceptions. But for most ordinary people, like me, this is the only reason we’ll do anything. 

Humans are greedy. Whatever it is that we do, we always want something good to come back to us. We’re always hungry for more, no matter if it is money, fame, or sex. And this is why things like robberies, slavery, lying, and so on happen. We don’t care if people are dying of hunger around the globe, we just want to enjoy our giant plate of exquisite steak that we know we won’t finish. 

Humans also misunderstand the definitions of their own words. For example: “Happiness.” The world is under the illusion that happiness is accomplished within just a few steps: Be born, graduate from college, find a good job, get married, have kids, and then die with three generations crying around your coffin. But that is not it. Happiness is “the state of being happy.” Some people might be happy with this life. But to others that have been drawn into the dark hole of thinking that the only life for themselves is the steps I just listed, following that pattern isn’t a magical spell that just instantly makes you happy. Definitions of words are more important than you think.

Humans destroy. We cut down ⅓ of the total area of the trees in the world, we bring pollutants into the environment, and we waste food that could’ve fed the stomachs of millions. But we can also create natural wonders. Like in the book “The Man Who Planted Trees” (By Jim Robbins). Where a man in India planted an entire forest throughout his lifetime, and because of the forest, has created a civilization of over 10,000 people in his forest.

But I guess all of this is just human nature that might just be impossible to change. I can only hope to see more people change. To see more people doing things that are for others, society, or something other than themselves.

The author's comments:

Somewhat bad structure, but shows my own thoughts on humans.

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