Survival a synonym for street children | Teen Ink

Survival a synonym for street children

July 20, 2022
By Asbah-Farhan BRONZE, Karachi, Other
Asbah-Farhan BRONZE, Karachi, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Those eyes filled with tears, stomach growling of hunger covered in mud and dust, begging for their own rights standing under the vast open sky on a crowded land with no shelter to feel safe , yes this misery is known as street children . One may have seen  those joy less traumatize faces asking us for food or water on traffic signals, markets etc. Discouragingly estimates suggest that 100 million is the current rate of street children in whole world a number which is increasing speadily due to some common reasons like extreme poverty , run away children who are forced to leave home beacuse of the domestic violence they are experiencing at homes and educational institutes.  

The problems these poor figures are facing shakes my soul now this issue mayebe common to hear yet pathetic to feel . Suffering from  mental and physical abuse , social discrimination and stain of being the one they never wanted to be . These are some devastating problems from which they are dealing day to day . Moreover these poor souls have no access to any basic necessity such as food , shelter , education ,health care which is the right of every human being living on this earth , due to these circumstances Unicef in 2019 March posted a statement "From street to school " in which they shared a survey which was conducted in an unprivileged area through a teacher who used to live there and talked about how needy the families were there that the children were exposed to child labour , petty crime and drug abuse which led to unfortunate outcomes . One of  the students from the local area also talked about his experience of how he enrolled himself in school but was driven out at the age of 13 and at the age of 15 he was a victim of drug addiction.  An organaisation known as Non - formal basic eduaction centre has been working on this issue lately by offering street children a proper education curriculum to complete atleast basic education even if they are over age . Reducing poverty,  unemployment and elevated prices are some basic strategies which can be done by government  but we can always start at personal level by creating non - governmental organization  and spread awareness using these NGO's so that we may help there "survival " to live better life .

The author's comments:

My name is Asbah and i am an enthusiastic writer who likes to aware people through her writings.  I wrote this article to spread awareness on how street children are living a miserable life and what can be done to help them live better not just survive. 

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