An Open Letter To:Gaming | Teen Ink

An Open Letter To:Gaming

May 25, 2018
By Ivan.D BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
Ivan.D BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Gaming...

Young or old, casual or professional, you’ve captivated the hearts of many. Despite all the criticism, despite all the hate and bad press, you’ve continued to challenge both yourself and your fans. Always striving for a better experience, better story and writing, and lastly better gameplay. Pushing the boundaries of human technology and ingenuity, may you never fade. You’ve helped powerful and expansive communities rise, and have created worlds from nothing. You’ve started relationships and you’ve broken them apart.Without you, I would not have met various wonderful people. So I say thank you, for providing me with countless upon countless hours of memories and entertainment. Thank you for painting beautiful and vivid worlds in my mind, and paving the way for unbreakable bonds.

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