Alcohol in our Society | Teen Ink

Alcohol in our Society

February 28, 2014
By JakeJohnston BRONZE, Austin, Texas
JakeJohnston BRONZE, Austin, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I may not be an excellent formal writer, but I believe I have some great opinions as to what is wrong with this society. One word, Alcohol. On a daily basis we experience this monotony of a legal system. They spend so much time working on laws and rarely get things accomplished effectively. We are invaded by big news and told how to live our lives, what to be scared of and why as well as trying to control our opinions on social issues through misrepresented statistics. We are told that marijuana is bad, meanwhile there is no discussion about alcohol, the harsh liquid that ferments the minds of it's consumers. It is widely accepted in our culture, and I believe I know why we look at this mind-rotting drug as just a way to relax after a long day of work. Bare with me here, if you were to be able to purchase regulated marijuana in gas stations and supermarkets, order it in restaurants, and make it available to just about every single American over (and even under) the age of 21, the use would increase dramatically(which I do not believe is a bad thing). I believe this because we put our trust into the FDA, a government regulated food and drug administration. People see that a product is regulated by the government and they immediately believe its safe for consuming. Before I continue, I'll let you in on a little fact, the FDA allows bugs in your food, in fact in chocolate the maximum allowed contaminants is 60 or more insect fragments per 100 grams of chocolate. (I know I wont be eating chocolate anymore.)

I think that the high correlation of poor Americans and alcohol use is partly due to the cheap price of booze. Imagine if a 6-pack of beer cost thirty dollars, the amount of people drinking would drop significantly, and eventually all together. The logic behind my thoughts are just simple reasoning. And I believe as a country we must get rid of this drug all together so that we may continue our progress as a civilization and find our true meaning. And as of right now, we are going nowhere with these uninformed, out-of-the-loop, right-wing conservatives.

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