No Legal Guns in America | Teen Ink

No Legal Guns in America

May 5, 2016
By dontay BRONZE, Detroit, Michigan
dontay BRONZE, Detroit, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In 2011 it was 8,583 homicides by firearms out of 12,664 homicides total [FBI]. That mean more than two thirds of homicides has a firearm to do with it also 6,220 of those homicides by firearm [72%] are known to be done by handguns.

More legal guns do not make America safer. If there are more people with guns in America when they get into a conflict the first thing they going to reach for is there gun then they are going start shooting then people that didn’t have nothing to do with it gone either get killed or hurt.Like on Jan,12 two people got shot during a gunfight.

On Jan,25 two more people got shot in a store by a gun shootout over a petty 25$ and they didn’t even have nothing to do with it. if a person who is crazy get a hold of a gun they can kill, or shoot who ever they want then they can also go to schools and kills any kid or teachers they want. There are a list of schools that had people die or get hurt by someone who ran in the school and shot people:

July 26, 1764 Greencastle Pennsylvania 10 people was killed also two people got injuries, Nov 1, in Charlottesville, Virginia a student shot his professor and killed him, March 30, 1891 Liberty Mississippi a man walks to a assemblage and shot a double barreled and hurt 14 people. Ban guns. All guns. Get rid of guns in homes, and on the streets, and, as much as possible.Ban guns! Not just gun violence. Not just certain guns. Not just already-technically-illegal guns all of them. Although some people think it's good to have a gun cause they can protect their household. Also they think if they have a gun in public no one gonna rob you or some.

But when it do happen and they can't get to their gun and the person is running off and you shoot the person in the back they gone consider that murder then someone's dead and someone in jail.On the pro-gun-control side of things, there’s far too much timidity. What’s needed to stop all gun violence is a vocal ban guns contingent. Getting bogged down in discussions of what’s feasible keeps what needs to happen—no more guns—from [phoebe Maltz Bovy]. In the wake of the tragic shooting that claimed nine lives one week ago today, President Obama observed that our reactions to mass shootings have become routine, even numb. At least in my experience, he is not wrong [Brendan Mccartney].

Even before the bodies were cold in the San Bernardino mass shooting, President Obama called for more gun control. He urged Congress to pass a law banning firearms purchases for people on the Transportation Security Administration’s unaccountable, unconstitutional no-fly list.But What would that have done to prevent the slaughter? Or any mental person for doing some wrong it's easy put them in a mental institution.  Or in jail where they can't get to nothing really to hurt or kill anyone their fore what i'm saying put them in jail like [Robert Farago], said  criminals who commit violent offenses shouldn’t enjoy “revolving door” justice.     




Bovy, Phoebe Maltz. "It’s Time to Ban Guns. Yes, All of Them." N.p., n.d. Web. 05 May 2016.

Farago, Robert. "Gun Control Is Not the Answer: Opposing View." USA Today. Gannett, 2015. Web. 05 May 2016.

"Pro-gun Is Not Pro-killing." The Chronicle. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 May 2016.

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