What is an American? | Teen Ink

What is an American?

November 20, 2014
By Anonymous

There is no real dictionary definition that encompasses all that it means to be an American. Americans are so much more than just “U.S. citizens,” they are free, powerful, influential, proud members of free nations. Americans are diverse and determined, they don’t let anything stand between them and their dreams. Americans have endured persecution, prejudice, and inequality to thrive in the free land that they proudly call their home. America was built on the idea of freedom. In “Of Plymouth Plantation” William Bradford explained how Americans worked hard to build a nation based off the idea of religious and political freedom. Maureen Dowd, in her article “Liberties; Drill, Grill and Chill,” explains that Americans have the dedication and capabilities to alter anything that limits their freedom. In “What Is an American?” the author, Edward L. Hudgins, expresses how Americans work as hard as they can to obtain and maintain their rights and liberties, they don’t simply expect things to be handed to them. Americans know that action, effort, and dedication are the only ways to achieve the promise of a better life of freedom and prosperity.


Colonists fled to America in search of a refuge for political and religious freedom. Europeans boarded ships and sailed across the ocean to America in search of a better life. They wanted religious and political freedom, but most importantly they wanted to escape the monarchy of the King and establish a nation ruled for and by its people. The Europeans had spent most of their lives being supplied with food, shelter, and other items necessary for survival. When they arrived on American soil the reality hit them, they were all alone. They had to build their own shelters, and grow their own food. "If they looked behind them, there was the mighty ocean which they had passed and was now a main bar and gulf to separate them from all the civil parts of the world." William Bradford explained. The colonists were left to build America up in any way they chose, and they chose the way of freedom. America was created on the idea that all men were created equal and that they have the right to their own opinions. Through harsh winters and years filled with starvation and disease, Americans worked hard to secure that freedom of all citizens.

Americans don’t let anything stand between them and their freedom, they use their resources to alter their surroundings and protect their rights.“We don’t have limits. We have liberties.” (Dowd) America is known for its surplus of technology. Technology and resources that they can use to alter the environment around them, both socially and physically. One of America’s most well known resources is the Constitution. The colonists wrote the Constitution in order to secure the unalienable rights of all American citizens. It is through the Constitution that Americans have the liberties to express their views on religion and politics. Most importantly, the Constitution keeps the government from exceeding their realm of power and taking the voice away from American citizens. Americans have never been afraid to stand up for the protection of their rights, even if that means violent action. Throughout history, we have heard of riot, protests, and petitions by citizens to express when they feel the government has intervened in their freedom. Many people risk their lives for the rights of themselves and those around them. Americans know that they have freedom and they won’t let anyone take it away from them.

Seeking freedom requires risk, bravery, and most importantly, hope. Immigrants often leave behind family and friends, everything they have ever known, without any assurance that they will be successful in America. They leave behind oppression and resentment, and risk their lives to seek shelter in the acceptance of America. “But they, like all Americans, understand that the timid achieve nothing.” (Hudgins) America appeals to people who want the best that life has to offer, which requires effort and action. Americans aren’t people who sit around waiting for fortune to find them, they go out seeking ways to achieve their dreams. “Americans seek personal liberty, to live as they see fit, to worship as they please.” (Hudgins) Americans take pride in their liberties to express their views openly without the fear of punishment. They are united by their love of freedom and willingness to fight for their rights.

Americans come from every corner of the world, they speak many different languages and practice all different religions. Diversity is one of America’s defining assets. Although all citizens have one thing in common, the willingness to do anything it takes to secure a better life for them and their families, “Americans aren’t idle daydreamers; they take the initiative.” (Hudgin) Everyone has the opportunity to be successful, as long as they stay committed to their goals. Americans use hard work, effort, and action to achieve success in life. Once they want something, they don’t stop until they get it. Americans are proud of their country and defend it at all costs. Loyalty, hope, dedication, and hard work is the true definition of what it means to be an American.

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