Stricter Gun Control | Teen Ink

Stricter Gun Control

January 2, 2014
By cxmandy BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
cxmandy BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Would you want to witness deadly crimes and deaths every day? You may hear or see them online or on television but rarely do you witness them. If you don’t want situations like those to happen in your daily life, then you’d want gun control laws like I do. Gun control laws are needed to prevent & reduce violent crimes and death rates. Without gun control laws, the United States would turn into chaos.

We need to reduce the amount of guns we have in the United States. It causes harm to family and friends. Even if you have self-control, accidents happen and it may cause the cost of a life. No matter where you put the gun, somebody else can still get a hold of it. An example can be a young innocent child finding the gun and accidentally firing it, killing him/herself. Studies had proven that having guns in the house may double the death rate for any household members. They had also proven that suicidal rates go up to 10 times higher than usual.

We ought to have stricter gun control laws as soon as possible. Guns cause violence, crimes, injuries and deaths. In 2010, at least 415,003 U.S. citizens were firearm victims. In 1994, the Brady Law was passed. The Brady Law required a five-day waiting period after a background check for all handgun sales. After the Brady Law was passed, assaults that involved guns were decreased by 12.4%, the amount of rifles used in homicides dropped by 45% the next year and violent crimes that included guns dropped by thirty-five percent.

We must ban guns in order to recover our society. Guns are taking away an abundant amount of children and teen lives. Research and given facts shows that in the year 2011, at least one-fifth of the 100,000 people shot in the U.S. were teens and children. Imagine seeing your own relatives or even siblings dying at such a young age. Stricter gun control laws help restrict the possibilities of future disasters. Keeping guns away from the community can prevent the chance of those who may suddenly become violent and deadly with the possession of a gun or of any type of dangerous weapon.
Many think guns are a self-defense weapon but yet, at the same time, it’s a deadly weapon. In less than seconds, it will withdraw somebody’s life away. If you’re untrained and you start firing a gun on the streets, it will harm the uninvolved citizens around you. Guns are a more violent weapon than a self-defense weapon. The gun isn’t giving you protection, instead, it’s bringing you guilt and remorse due to the fact that you’ve injured or even killed an innocent human being. People say guns protect them because if their opponent has possession of a gun, they’ll have a high chance of dying but if we ban guns, neither of them will have one.

Some say guns are necessary in our human lives but that’s false. Quoted from a CNN article by David Forum, he said, “Folks being robbed, assaulted – it was becoming an issue of personal safety. The police aren’t going to protect you.” David is trying to say that only we can help ourselves and our family members but the only way is by having a gun or a deadly weapon. Guns cannot protect you from anything at any time. If you kill somebody innocent, there’s no turning back. You’ll receive the highest consequence there is – being jailed for the rest of your life. When you’re in jail, who’s going to take care of your family? Nobody. This all happens because of guns.

Studies and research proves that guns are to be banned. Guns only bring miseries, disasters and tears. They don’t bring happiness or safety to anyone. You give yourself your own safety, which is by banning guns. No matter what, guns should be banned because of the violence, crimes and deaths it brings.

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on Feb. 10 2015 at 5:27 pm
RightWingExtremist BRONZE, Riverton, Utah
4 articles 0 photos 40 comments

Favorite Quote:
Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.
-Ronald Reagan

Guns protect people. You are more likely to be killed by a drunk driver or with a blunt object than a gun. Also, crime rates are highest in liberal areas where there is more gun control.