What a Problem | Teen Ink

What a Problem

September 30, 2013
By Nicolas Perez BRONZE, Bogota, Other
Nicolas Perez BRONZE, Bogota, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

How to save the world from human contamination and carbon footprint is an ambiguous worldwide topic. For instance, the Cap and Trade solution is a good proposition, but in the modern world there is too much corruption and competition among nations for it to work. Therefore, it may result in a carbon monopoly of one nation, or a war for permits to use pollutants. The world has to has to mature in order for Cap and Trade to succeed; although we need to do something since the excess of human waste and the carbon footprints we are leaving behind are killing the world.

In order for there to be no climate change the world has to decrease 80% of the pollutants we use, including, cars, airplanes, factories, electricity etc. With Cap and Trade the objective is for countries to start replacing fossil fuels with eco friendly projects. Although that sounds good and that’s what everyone wants the process of changing, to eco friendly projects would take at least 75 years. But countries like the United States, China, Japan, cant work with out fossil fuels. The U.S.A currently has 100 years worth of coal and petroleum. If the United States, being the world power, fails and gets stuck because its resources are not enough to meat the demand of the country itself, it would be a worldwide crisis.

For there to be a successful plan that reduces the carbon footprint each daily human lives behind, there has to be ecological awareness in everybody's minds and off corse the budget to sustain a project like that. That’s why Cap and Trade wouldn’t work, a government cant limit the use of fossil fuels pr person unless it’s a dictatorship or ending with crisis.

I personally think that both extremes of saying there is no other solution than Cap and Trade to Carbon in excess is the best thing that has happened to earth, are wrong. Such a thing can only be achieved if we start thinking of how to make advances that will be for the benefit of earth instead of making our pockets heavier, then and only then we will achieve peace with the environment.

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