Graduated Driver License | Teen Ink

Graduated Driver License

January 22, 2010
By BPaff BRONZE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
BPaff BRONZE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I disagree with the GDL. I think that it focuses on reckless teen driving, which granted, does occur; but, there are also teens who are cautious drivers and do not deserve to be lumped in with the reckless ones.

The world has a funny way of working things out. Now, god forbid someone should be hurt, but if a teen is in a crash, I am willing to bet they will think twice on driving recklessly again. This is not saying I want teens to crash, but saying if it happens it is not likely to happen again.

To me, getting a license has a sense of freedom, which may cause that recklessness. Now what good is it to take away a freedom? Not only would it do that, but also what parent wants to drive their child to every little rendezvous they may have?

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