Would you lend a helping hand? | Teen Ink

Would you lend a helping hand?

May 6, 2013
By Anonymous

In my English class we have recently read the book The Book Thief. It’s a story about a young girl, Liesel Meminger, and her foster parents, Rosa and Hans Hubermann. All is going well for the family until a Jew comes to their door and asks if they could help hide him. The Hubermann’s are faced with the decision of doing the right and helping the Jew out or turning him away, only to save themselves. People should always do the right thing no matter the circumstances or the consequences. I agree with this statement; people should always do the right things because it brings good karma, brings hope to people, and it is the morally right thing to do.
People should always do the right thing no matter the consequences so then you will have good karma. Treat others how you want to be treated. It’s a saying that you have been hearing for as long as you can remember and has been drilled into your head; yet, once people get older its importance shrinks and is forgotten. It is important to do the right thing and treat others nicely because you would want someone to do the same for you. If you do good things, good things will happen to you. Doing the right thing is always important, and you would benefit from doing the right thing. Just look at the world around you, the people who don’t do the right thing get what they deserve, and the people who do the right thing get rewarded. Doing the right thing will make you will feel better about things and make you happy. An example is when I donated my American girl dolls to a children’s hospital for kids with cancer or other serious medical conditions. I could have sold them and made some money but I really wanted to help those families who might have trouble finding money for simple things like dolls when they have to always be paying the medical bills. Seeing the little girl’s face light up as I gave her the doll was the best feeling ever and made me proud that I did the right thing.
People should always do the right thing no matter the consequences to give hope to others. That one quarter, that one piece of bread, that small symbol of support; it can do so much for a person. The little things in life you do to help people out does so much more than people think. Those little things bring hope and with that hope, people are able to go do great things. Doing the right thing inspires people and motivates them to also do the right thing. On page 185 in the Book Thief Hans Hubermann is faced with a difficult problem, “will you still help me?’ Liesel’s papa walked to the front door and opened it. Cautiously, he looked outside, each way and returned.” Hans Hubermann was asked by Max, a Jew in Nazi Germany, if he could hide in the Hubermann’s house. Hans Hubermann took in max even though he knew the consequences could result in death.
People should always do the right thing no matter the consequences because it’s morally right. On page 394 in the Book Thief Hans Hubermann did the right thing, “Papa reached into his paint car and pulled something out. He made his way through the people, onto the road. The Jew stood before him, expecting another handful of derision, but he watched with everyone else as Hans Hubermann held his hand out and presented a piece of bread, like magic.” Hans Hubermann helped the Jew because the Jew was dying and Hans couldn’t let that happened to someone. Because Hans Hubermann gave the Jew the bread, the Nazi soldier found out and he was whipped. Hans did the right thing even though he knew he could face dire consequences. On page 440 in the Book Thief Liesel and Rudy follow in Hans Hubermann’s footsteps, “The first soldier did not see the bread- he was not hungry- but the first Jew saw it. His ragged hand reached down and picked a piece up and shoved it deliriously to his mouth… ‘Hey!’ Rudy was livid. ‘Don’t move. If they find us here and match us to the bread, we’re history.” Liesel and Rudy gave bread to the Jews because they knew that the Jews needed help. Even though Liesel and Rudy could have been caught and punished they did the right thing. In recent event of the Boston bombing, a bombing where hundreds of people were injured and few killed at a marathon in Boston; people came together and helped each other out in times of trouble. Many people who were there went towards the danger of the bombing and helped rescue those who were injured. Those people knew that they could be killed or injured at any time, yet helped the victims because they knew that were the right thing to do. These selfless acts are what people should be doing all the time.
No matter the year, the season or the place, people are always going to be tested to see if they do the right thing or not. People right now need help and count on others to help. It’s up to every person if they want to “be the change that you wish to see in the world,” as said by Gandhi. People should always do the right thing because it brings good karma, brings hope to people and it is the morally right thing to do. People need to help others out and go the distance to help others because if you were in their situation, would you want someone to help you?

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