Life Is Too Precious To Be Alone | Teen Ink

Life Is Too Precious To Be Alone

April 21, 2022
By RubyBernard BRONZE, New York, New York
RubyBernard BRONZE, New York, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Families in today’s society are too separate and are choosing alone time over family time. Research shows that families only spend 37 minutes of quality time together each day. Of course, kids should be more independent in certain ways like exercising or reading or taking care of themselves however, when families do have time together, they should spend quality time. For instance, studies show that kids benefit from simple things like, going on a walk together, eating dinner together with no screens, going on a one day trip, movie night, or even sitting and talking in a comfortable place. Most of these don’t cost money at all and aren’t hard at all to do so you should try and make it happen. According to Psychology Today, family time is learning that we are cared for and needed and both are important for future happiness.

Family members should talk about each other’s days and listen and show interest. Studies show that family time improves academic performance and lowers behavior issues. So much research shows that family time is the most important thing you could do for those around you and for yourself. You never know when one day, overnight, your family could change or disappear and then you learn how special that family time really was. Over 2.85 million kids have to go through a parent going through cancer for part of their lives. When this happens you realize that family time is no longer an option to have. Quality time with family is everything…don’t take it for granted.

The author's comments:

My teacher and I have been discussing this topic one day during our writing lesson. It is true kid's do learn better this way in education way. I just wish I could have done the same with my parents but other kids should do this and I believe it will help them with there education. 

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