The Queen of Hearts | Teen Ink

The Queen of Hearts

December 21, 2010
By brontelillie BRONZE, Bacchus Marsh, Other
brontelillie BRONZE, Bacchus Marsh, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
- "The way I see it if you want the rainbow... you have to put up with the rain."
- Freedom Is Cheated
- "Make sure the unicorn isn't watching."


Shae Ashley, Freya Tanner, Delilah Whildes, Wenny Franklin, Alicia Collins and Gretel Hayel. The best set of friends around. As if, by destiny, they were meant to be together. And now, it was Shae's sixteenth birthday and the girls feel much closer than ever.

But a bout of ghost stories brings back a ghost from the past, or was it the turning of Shae from a child to an adult? This mystery girl causes mayhem and havoc to the party-goers: restless sleep, a foreboading fear enough to set their hearts to race, and pain. Incredible pain.

Alyce Benedict, the sixteen-year-old ghost, has a job to do. And she isn't leaving until it's done.

There's no point fighting this spirit, who can reach into and influence your mind.

"Be dangerous girls, this going to be one rough night!" - Alyce.

Tags: Friends


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