soul drainers | Teen Ink

soul drainers

February 15, 2011
By xXxSKULLZxXx GOLD, waupaca, Wisconsin
xXxSKULLZxXx GOLD, Waupaca, Wisconsin
13 articles 19 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
"time is a waste of life, life is a waste of time, so always be wasted and have the time of your life"


Rylie is just bout to graduate when a man bout her age stops her in an ally. he tells her shes in danger and she is astonished with what he can do. she decides to just go with it thinking maybe its a dream. what she doesnt know is she is in for the run of her life. as she tries to escape death multiple times, tries not to fall for the guy saving her life, and on the hunt for her family. but when things turn for the worse she becomes the very thing that her family feared, and the same thing that killed them. she then learns to live this new life. but will she find her family in time before they disappear forever or will she get to them and save her family. will she get the guy or loose him. will Rylie live or die...find out in Soul Drainers

Katelyn B.

soul drainers

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This book has 2 comments.

on May. 13 2011 at 6:09 pm
xXxSKULLZxXx GOLD, Waupaca, Wisconsin
13 articles 19 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
"time is a waste of life, life is a waste of time, so always be wasted and have the time of your life"

thnx..and the first part before it begins..she i writing aletter to her daughter..she is 18 but..she has been 18 for a while..its not really a vampire book..but an imortal any ideas for me for the next chapter?? im willing t take suggestions....

on Feb. 17 2011 at 5:28 pm
Internal-Love PLATINUM, Queens, New York
33 articles 3 photos 310 comments

Favorite Quote:
Nothing's black or white, its all just a shade of gray---

TI "Live your Life" ft Rihanna

This is really good!! The title and story is all very unique!! Good job!! It reminds me of twilight a little...........BUT STILL!! GOOD JOB

just make sure you spell scent with a c and at the begining I'm a little confused. Is the woman nararrating 18 or an older adult? Cause her daughter is turning 16............Anyway, like i said its great