The daring voyage | Teen Ink

The daring voyage

December 20, 2013
By brandon gonzalez, San Diego, California
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brandon gonzalez, San Diego, California
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Author's note: It is a really nice book

One day in England Prince James woke up from his bed and went outside . Everyone in the kingdom loved him because he was gentle, calm, and polite with everyone including peasants. He was mostly loved because of the way he spoke to politicians about crimes and to have justice and not letting innocent people die or suffer while others get away with it. He remembered that In India when he was little his father took him there and while in India he saw how people were suffering there and swore to have justice in England before it happens there. Once after breakfast Prince James and his best friend Kevin were appointed by the king and queen to deliver a peace treaty to India. The prince was very patient and was very calm and polite and much more and was needed because relations between India and England were not going smoothly because of England occupying the Indian Ocean. “ I will not fail you father and mother” said prince James. Kevin assured the King and queen that he would defend Prince James from any harm or danger that might occur on the voyage to India to settle these terms with India’s high command.

The king had ordered that his best soldiers would go with his son in case of any danger. The ship was preparing to leave the dock it was the biggest ship named the White Pearl and the biggest ship ever made in England. The prince said “ I will deliver this message with no errors father”
The King said “ I trust you with all confidence that this message is delivered safely by you my son”.
The Queen was sad to see her son being gone for at least 5 months out there and not knowing what he is going to do out there as well. Once they were almost ready the prince went back into his room to see it for one last time and how it looked glorious and very nice. The room had it paintings around it bluish and the bedroom full of jewelry and the finest clothes made in England for royalty and more as well. The prince saw how his room looked like the size of a quarter of the castle and took his favorite clothes that had blue all over them. It also had many diamonds that sparkle like the sun. His shoes were like the color of a fine breed of horse and well polished as well. And also remembered how people loved him that they said “ long live Prince James”.

The King ordered that two ships would go as companions to protect the White Pearl. In an hour the ships were all ready to go with the best soldiers a lot of arms and a lot of food to go on this journey. By morning the prince and Kevin boarded the ship and were already to go on their adventure to India but before they left the King gave the prince his ring and told him” this ring had been worn by all of our ancestors and now it is your good luck for this journey” The next few minutes the crew was on board and cooks, servants and more for the prince and Kevin. When the ship started sailing the Queen and King said goodbye in a loud voice. The prince also yelled “goodbye!”.

By the afternoon the ships were in the Atlantic ocean going down to Africa. The captain had told the prince and Kevin that they would be soon approaching Africa by morning. The prince congratulated the captain for his skills to be on schedule and not being late. The captain had also warned them that in Africa Many pirate ships attack ships with rich cargo. The captain advised the prince that they would go through Africa when the sun comes up but the Prince was so stubborn that he said that they should go in the night because he wanted to be in India on the exact day and not a day behind. At night time the ship started going through Africa all of the sailors were scared because they recognized these waters and knew that pirates would come and attack them.

The night was so dark and cold that not even the lookouts could see what was going on and they had advised the captain that it would be better to stop but the captain said “ Princes Orders”. Many sailors heard that the prince wanted to go through the night many sailors started to question his authority. After an hour the lookouts spotted something they both warned the captain that they had seen a shadow of another ship out there but the captain ignored them. In a few minutes apart from seeing that shadow the was a gunshot and everyone on the three ships could hear it and they knew that it was time for battle. The prince was advised immediately of what had happened but the Prince ignored it. Kevin wanted to do something about it but he couldn’t because he knew that the prince will never stop until he delivers the message to India's high command.

The prince was a little frightened of what had happened so he ordered all men to be on their guns and the soldiers went out on a stampede and started to load up the cannons and load up their guns incase any Pirates came aboard or anyone that might board the ship. Kevin ordered that most of the guards should be guarding the princes quarters the most because he was the only one worth anything if the pirates captured the three ships. Soon after an hour everything calmed down and the fog went out as well.

The prince was so angry because he thought it was a false alarm and said “ How dare you I’m reporting this to my father”. Soon after the sailors heard that from the prince they started to worry some thought that the king would hang them and others thought of being in prison forever for this. After the fog went out completely the lookouts saw a strange ship our on the East side of the ship. After they saw the ship they rang the warning bell and all of the ships were on high warning. When the prince heard of this again he said “ Its a false alarm calm down the sailors captain”.

The captain said “ I can’t prince because the lookouts just saw a pirate ship on the East side and it was carrying captain Billy’s flag and he is the most powerful and evil pirate on the seven seas. The prince ordered to get the canons ready and the soldiers to get ready in case the pirates decided to board the ship. Soon after all ships were on high alert of being spotted by the pirates. Some of the sailors that Kevin saw were praying some were believing in themselves and other were hiding as cowards. Just as Kevin was about to give an order to the sailors five sailors took out their guns and killed themselves out of fear.

Soon after the gunshots captain Billy head the sound and took out his telescope and started to look around and spotted three royal ships from the king going through. Soon after ten minutes captain Billy said “arr we have enemy ships incoming!!”. He told all of his crew and sent a message to the other five ships in his fleet and had ordered to follow them and when he gives the signal the fleet would surround the three royal ships and board and take any riches and as for the crew kill them or make them prisoners.

Back on the three royal ships the prince ordered to stay out of the pirates sight and keep going through Africa nonstop until the ships get to India. In the morning the captain said that they should go back into open waters now that the pirate ship is gone. Everyone put a smile on their face and started to work again and even the prince and Kevin were happy to know the threat of the pirate ship was gone and for good they thought. Soon after the prince came up on deck and wanted to see the sun coming out and it was the most beautiful thing that he had ever seen because this was his first ever mission and he was feeling brave on the outside but in the inside he was screaming for help. Kevin knew that the prince had fears of being captured by some pirates and take him away and to never see his mother and father ever again.

Meanwhile on the pirate ship Captain billy woke up and woke up his sailors with water and said “ It is time for those ships to go down!!”. All of the sailors were happy to hear that their captain was brave and had a powerful fleet of ships and powerful men to do what he wanted. Captain Billy said before he went up on deck “ Take any jewels, gold, valuable cargo and anything else that might be useful to us”. As soon as the sailors hear about it they started running up and got their words,and their guns as well.
Back on the White Pearl the prince was having his breakfast and enjoying it as well. Kevin joining him also but he felt like something was about to happen. Soon after the prince went for his nap in his big bed. Soon after Kevin and the crew heard two gunshots and one cannon shot. The lookouts saw and it was the same pirate ship that they saw last night but now they had seven more ships. The sailors became petrified and Kevin as fast as he could went to the princes room and woke him up. The prince was so mad that he woke him up and said “ you will pay for this”. Kevin did not have much time to explain but said that the pirate ship that they had seen last night was following our ships. Once the prince heard that he became a little bit brave and ordered that all his soldiers should be in position in case the enemy tries to board the White Pearl.

Back on the pirate ship captain Billy was hoping for luck and ordered to board and take as much as you can. Captain Billy ordered that they should go with more speed and the ship went faster and faster every minute and soon captured the White Pearl. The pirates boarded the White Pearl. And there was this fight in the ship between the princes soldiers and Captain Billy’s crew. But the battle only lasted for a whole hour the soldiers won but the pirates captured the other two ships were sinking and the White Pearl escaping in flames with all of its defenses weakened and the ships guns destroyed.

Back on the White Pearl the prince came out of his room only to see that his father’s ship was all with flames and all of the guns destroyed as well. The prince ordered that Kevin should come to his room as soon as possible. Soon Kevin came into the princes room and tried to explain to the prince of what had happened. “ My prince” said Kevin “ the pirates destroyed our two escort ships and damaged the White Pearl of it’s defences and if they come back we won't be able to hold them back”.

The Prince said “ then you better come up with a strategy if they come back”. “If they capture me they could sell me to the enemies of England and my father and mother would have to surrender England to them”.

When Kevin came out of the prince’s room all of the remaining survivors that were not killed from the pirates attack were depressed and really sad about what had happened. They knew it wasn’t Kevin's fault but the prince always got mad with him when something happened to him. Kevin felt so depressed after talking to the prince and just went to his quarters in the ship and took a long rest from all that had happened to them.

Meanwhile back on the pirate ship Captain Billy was so delighted that has crew got very expensive cargo from the two ships that sank. His right man also told him that there is jewels on the ship that they sent running in flames. The captain was still very happy of the riches that they got but he wanted more so he ordered to go after the White Pearl. Or he would get more mad and throw someone overboard and let them die in the ocean.

Back on the White Pearl the prince was really mad of what had happened. The captain had just heard good new that they would be entering a deep cove that would protect them from any harm as well. The sailors went from a sad face to a happy face.Kevin was so pleased to hear about this so was the prince because Kevin had realised that the Pirates ship’s were bigger than the White pearl so they won’t be able to enter into the cove because the water was too shallow for their kind of ship.

Once the White Pearl entered into the cove the prince felt more calm and went back to his usual self and Kevin was pleased that the prince finally calmed down. The sailors were putting out the fire with bucket which they had to scoop up from the ocean. Both the prince and Kevin went to rest because they knew it was safe for now. After a few hours the prince woke up and saw the cove it was very wonderful and with many flowers and lots of beautiful coral and the water shining like a diamond on the bottom of the ship. Many sailors saw it also it was very beautiful for many people and even him as well. Then Kevin woke up and saw that the prince had calmed down and then he saw what the prince was looking at as well. Everything was so nice and just in the cove the lookouts spotted an island. The prince was very excited and ordered to stop here and make repairs to their ship. Kevin was very impressed of how the prince was commanding his sailors and was very proud. Once they landed the island had many trees near by and had many bananas and coconuts there the prince ordered to resupply and to take the bananas and the coconuts with them after they make repairs. Once settled in the prince was resting on the bed outside the sailors made with him. But later at the night a tribe came out of the woods and started to speak with the prince and Kevin. The tribe’s leather named Rick warned the prince that those pirates who attacked them controlled all of these waters. He even told them that every day he see’s a ship being sunk by them. But there was a good ocean route to lead them to safety and escape the pirates.

Back on the pirate ship the captain was very happy that they were going to get that ship and it’s riches but first he went to take his rest into his quarters. And told his most trusted advisor that he want’s that ship because he could feel like there was something more valuable than gold on that ship that got away. His advisor assured him that they would catch that ship by the next day. The captain said “good”.

Back on the island with the natives the prince had thanked them for all their help and gave the chief ten gold bars. The chief thanked them as well and told them which water route it was to lead them to safety for the time being and had also told them that the command ship which they have is really fast so don’t slow down for anything as well. Kevin thanked them also and the prince and his sailors set sail again into the water route to be safe and to never see those pirates again.

Back on the pirate ship the captain woke up and ordered to stop on the island and persuade the the natives if they had seen sight of the White Pearl anywhere. Soon after that the pirates sent a little boat to the island and started to look for the natives village. Soon after an hour the pirates found the village and demanded the chief to tell them where they went. The chief would not talk so the captain put him down and grabbed his very beautiful daughter and demanded again to tell him or she would die.

The chief had no choice but to tell them where they went. The chief said “ they took the water way to get to India”.

The captain let go of his daughter and left the island with his crew. Soon the captain told his advisor. The advisor told him that the only way to beat them there and capture the ship was to go through skull pass but warned him that barely anyone comes out alive but the captain ignored his warning and told him to go through skull pass. When the crew heard that they were going through skull pass they started to get a little nervous because they knew that barely anyone comes out alive from that place.

Back on the White pearl the prince and Kevin could feel that the ship was going faster because of the waterway. Still Kevin was wondering if they really got away or is this till the beginning for all of the crew and the prince.

Back on the pirate ship the captains advisor took the captains orders to go into skull pass so they could trap the royal ship before they got away to India. The advisor steered the ship into skull pass. The reason many sailors called it skull pass was because it is a huge cave and a figure of a skull on the opening of the cave in it is really dark inside. Captain Billy was brave because he told his crew that before he was a captain he was a sailor and he had to go through skull pass once and nothing happened to him at all. Still not even with captains story the crew was petrified to go into the cave of Skull pass.

On the White Pearl Kevin got response from the captain that the ship is done going through the continent of Africa and is now in the Indian Ocean. The prince was relieved that they only had a little more to go before reaching India and he was very happy as Kevin because the thought that Kevin had he forgot all about it because they were in the Indian Ocean.

Back on the pirate ship the fleet had already had gone through a quarter of Skull pass and many thought if they were ever going to come out of the cave because it was so long that nobody could see any an exit or any sunlight at all. The captain said " not to worry we are almost near the pass of Skull pass".

The crew was relieved to hear that but still most crew members went below deck because some were really scared because of legend of the giant snake living in Skull pass and if any ships get in Skull pass the giant snake that would sink all the ships and eat the crew up. Not many would go into skull pass not even if their life depended on it.

After two hours of darkness the captain woke up from his afternoon nap and went outside and said " we are almost out of this cave!!". Once the captain said that the crew could see the other opening which meant an exit and it was almost over going through Skull pass. Once the fleet of pirate ships came out of Skull pass the captain ordered for the lookouts to see if the white pearl was nearby them and to tell him or his advisor if it appeared. Both the captain and his advisor knew that skull pass would make them catch up and be a little ahead of the white pearl and it was a good plan to surround it after they got back from India.

Back on the White pearl which was well on schedule the prince decided for the ship to slow down because they were already in safe waters and he knew that the Indian navy was nearby his ship. Kevin felt pleased that they were going to deliver the message in time to the Indian high command for his father to end the start of a war and saving many innocent lives before starting any conflict between two great countries. Once night entered the lookouts saw the seaport of India everyone was cheering and dancing because they had made it. Once the White Pearl reached the Indian navy blockade the navy's officer told them to stop. many Indian soldiers came inboard to inspect the ship I case of anything very dangerous and the officer started talking to the prince and Kevin. The officer said "where are you from sir's?".
The prince answered " we are from England and I am the kings son here to deliver the peace treaty for the Indian high command to sign".
The officer asked " why. Is your ship so badly damaged?.
The prince answered " the most traitorous pirate captain Billy attacked our fleet, sunk two of my ships and damaged the White Pearl".
The officer said "you may pass the blockade your dock is number twelve.

The prince now knew that he and his crew were safe because the White Pearl was behind the blockade and not even Billy would dare come here because the blockade was far too strong even for his fleet to take out. Kevin still thought of many dangers because he knew when heading back they might come across Billy again and if their ship is still damaged they won't stand a chance when they try going back to England. Once the White Pearl got to the dock the prince ordered to weigh anchor and wait until tomorrow to turn in the peace treaty with the Indian high command. In the morning in India the prince woke up had a very delicious breakfast dressed up, and went with the treaty and Kevin to the high command building. Once the prince was ready a stagecoach came near the White Pearl and told him that the high command had sent this because of his presence. Once Kevin and the prince got aboard the stagecoach many people were looking at the prince with very sad eyes and he just ignored it. The stagecoach soon did something weird the driver went into a different direction and the prince had a feeling like something suspicious was about to happen. After ten minutes the stagecoach stopped and two highwaymen including the driver took guns out and demanded that the prince would give his riches to them and a ransom from the king if he ever wants to see his son again alive. Kevin pulled out his sword and and stood in front of the prince defending him. The highwaymen started shooting which the Indian guards nearby could hear. Kevin sowing his sword two guns fell but one of them still had a gun. The prince picked up one of the guns and shot the gun that he had making it explode and then two guards came around to see what was going on. Soon after the three men were arrested and sentenced to death and the prince got a new stagecoach that took him and Kevin to the high command building. When the prince and Kevin got in the building looked more beautiful than his castle back in England. He started to get a little bit jealous of that.

After going past security the prince and Kevin both went to the high council room. The chairman of India was very old and really nice. Both the prince and the chairman talked to each other about ending all conflict and not starting a war between these two powerful nations and he explained that it just would be pointless starting war and killing innocent people.

The chairman told the prince that in a few days India will have a huge meeting with all of India’s leaders coming to the capital. The prince agreed to stay for the seven remaining days and were provide a mansion in the capital to live for the time being so they can wait for the day to come.

Back in England the King and Queen were so worried about their son and thought maybe this was a very bad idea and that they should've not have sent their son out there because they all knew that the world was a dangerous place and just because he is a prince he might get captured by the King’s enemies or rivals. Once the next day came in England the king ordered that a fleet of 10 ships will go with the finest troops to India to see if his son is well and to give him more security incase they try to kill him. The queen was crying for his son because she was not close to him anymore but really far away and really worried because he was her only son and the last person to inherit the kingdom of England. Most of the king’s friends tried to calm him down and make the queen stop crying as well. The next morning the fleet of ten ships departed and filled with many cannons and the king ordered a new ship that would be two times as big as the White Pearl. Most architects were a little impressed of what the king had ordered such a huge ship. All of the architects had told the king that it would take at least ten years to built such a huge ship but the kings told them to get all the workers in England and Ireland together to build the ship and it should be done within a week or two. All of the architects started to make designs and would be named the SS dauntless. The workers of both England and Ireland were so happy because at the time many people of England did not have jobs but with this new project they would have. In the afternoon the workers started to work on the ship the king had ordered for the workers to work all day and night so they could build it faster. Just in two days the workers had finished building a quarter of the ship and the king was very impressed to see the results. Architects tested it and it worked fine. By the next day the workers were too tired to work on it so the king gave them half the day off. By night time the ship had all of its parts done and were sent to the shipyard to put them together and be done with the ship from the outside.Once the first week was over the king saw the results and it looked very beautiful to him. Once three days of the next week went in progress half of the inside of the ship was ready but all of the workers were really exhausted and told their bosses that they were too tired and needed a day’s rest or possibly more. Once the workers had their day off the king went to inspect the ship and it was very well put together. Once the next day came the workers finished the work from the inside and started painting it. While the king saw from a distance the ship smelled like a fresh coat of new paint. By the afternoon of the next day the ship was ready the king ordered to load it with supplies and many soldiers onboard the ship and the king’s most trusted advisor would be in command of the ship. And ordered that ten of the most armed ships that the kingdom had will go with the dauntless to India to see if his son was okay. Once the supplies were in the ship the king had to pay each worker 500 coins in gold because the workers worked on it way faster than usual.

Once the ship set sail at dawn the king felt a little more calm and so did the queen. But both of them in their hearts hoped that his son would come back safe and also his friend Kevin.
But before the ship left the King said “ Go my brave sailors and soldiers bring my son back safely”.
The queen said “ bring my baby back or I will cut all and hang you”.

Back in India the Prince and Kevin woke up and started to get ready for breakfast the prince ate with Kevin. When the foods first came the first meal was the eggs they were very delicious and very satisfying as well. Next came the fresh fish and lobster as well. The lobster was so delishious that the prince ordered another one. Kevin ate the fish and the lobster and enjoyed it. Soon after that the final meal came in it was Indias most delicious dish ever it was three milks cake. The cake was so good that the prince ordered that they should have the same dessert for lunch, and dinner as well. Most sailors watched him eat a lot while they ate mostly nothing.

Later in the afternoon the prince decided to see the capital and all of its glorious sites around. five guards escorted him in his carriage for protection and Kevin went aboard the carriage with the prince. Soon after a few minutes the prince could see all of India’s roads blocked off my walking people in the streets. The Indian guard said that the carriage route is on the right. The carriage went to the right and the soldiers also. After that the prince saw the huge command building and was ready to go there because it was time.

In the command building many leaders of India discussed if they should make peace or war. It was a war raging in politics and nobody could quiet them all down. Then a guard came up to the chancellor and told him that the royal carriage from the prince was really close.
The chancellor said “ my friends the prince’s carriage approaches we must make a decision”.
One of the leaders said “ No peace begin the war!!”.
And others said “ No war it would only hurt our business, trade routes and innocent people”.

Back on the pirate ship Captain Billy was so mad that his fleet did not capture the White Pearl. And he was also pissed that the ship got past the Indian blockade and he knew that they didn’t stand a chance against all of those ship. But his advisor came up on his quarters and said “ there is still a way to capture the White Pearl”.
Billy said “how?”
The advisor showed him that if they try to go back to England we can attack them here twenty five miles away from the blockade and their ship would have to go more to the east and travel through northern Russia and we can chase them in those open waters.
The captain told all of his crew the plan and they put their fleet 25 miles away from the blockade and waited to them to come out and back to India.

On the Dauntless ship the crew was sailing towards India the captain of the ship was the Kings best friend and General of the British Army. The Dauntless was going really fast for its size. Even the general thought if the British army had this ship nothing would stop them. And the rest of the fleet was behind the Dauntless was really incredible even the general had trouble finding the mess hall of the ship. Most of the crew was angry that the prince was in trouble and the other half thought it was annoying because they had to leave their families back in England and there was not a good chance of ever coming back alive.

Most of the officers thought it was a glorious quest to India because they were navigating the biggest ship in the world. And most were happy because it had enough lifeboats and more than enough guns to take a enemy ship down easily. The sailors were confused because there was so many rooms and it took almost hours to know the ship really well. The Dauntless got through all of Africa in about 5 hours it was really impressive. While the dauntless stopped to check if everything was alright the rest of the ships caught up and they were a day from getting to India.

Back in India while the prince was headed to the meeting he ordered to have the White Pearl fully fixed and loaded with cannons and weapons. The men started to buy new sails and wood to replace the old and destroyed one. The ship was to be ready in 4 hours and everyone pitched in and worked on the White Pearl and more as well. On the Indian high counsel the prince arrived at the front door and he stepped out with the treaty and both of the guards opened the door and the leaders saw the prince coming in and they were all worried about what they were going to say. The prince and both of his guards entered the meeting room and all of the Indian leaders saw the prince. Some of them were impressed and some of them were scared because they knew that in the past the prince’s father was in war against them and they were afraid that the prince might recognise them.

Once everyone in the meeting room the room became really dark and the prince went in the middle and said “ My friends for years we have been enemies but now we can sign this treaty and our two powerful countries can be in peace and working together instead against each other”. The prince said also “ This treaty makes India not second class but it makes the Indian people equal to each other and allow trading to resume”.

The southern leader said “ We need more rights if you want us to sign this treaty because this country was once attacked once by your armies and that is not so easy to forgive. The prince said “ I have no experience of this because I was not born yet. Then all of the council started all yelling and the Kevin said “ your highness you better calm this down or the Indian council won't sign the letter. Then the prince yelled out to be quiet and everyone started to be quiet and the prince said “ My good friends there are more thing to this treaty like you will have control of our controlled oceans as well”. The prince said also that the treaty allows all of your people to come to England, and he also said that the king will give India a country that England has captured and one million pounds of gold as well. And the East India company would have access to all English controlled oceans also. Many Indian Leaders were so impressed with the treaty and many said that it is time to vote on those terms the chairman said “My good friends it is time to vote on the terms of the treaty.” Many Indian leaders threatened to separate from India and make their own country. The prince said “ If you separate from India the terms of the treaty will not include you and England will send it’s armies and attack you and take your country as their property. Many leaders became worried because the prince said that and many said if the prince kept threatening them India will declare war against England and told the prince that India has a lot of allies that have a lot of armies like Russia. The prince became very startled to hear this. The chancellor said “ We will discuss this meeting later and allow more cooler heads to prevail”.
All of the leaders went away and the prince got on his carriage and went back to see the progress of the White Pearl. Once the prince got back to the White Pearl the White Pearl was all ready and the sailors were just loading up the cannons on the ship.

Back on the dauntless the general saw the Indian blockade and the guards in the blockade saw a huge ship it was bigger than their ships the captain said if it starts firing attack it with all you got and sink that huge ship. Once the dauntless got near the blockade two inspectors came aboard and they saw that it was an English ship they both got in and inspected they both came back to the Indian ship and they told the captain that it was an English ship and the fleet got permission to get passed the blockade. Soon the general was relieved that they got passed the blockade without any consequences.

Back on the White Pearl Kevin got of the carriage and saw a huge ship coming from the blockade. When the prince got outside and saw the huge ship he was really impressed and thought that it was an Indian ship. When the ship got close the prince could see that it was the general of England and a close friend of his father. Soon after the general got off the dauntless and went into the dock and the prince ran there and said hello general.

Soon after the rest of the fleet caught up and the prince got very impressed and the general demanded an explanation of why they took such a long time to get here. The prince said “ It is a long story general and I can explain”. Soon after the prince explained and said that they got in trouble when they were going through Africa because the most treaturous pirate captain Billy and his fleet of ships attacked them, sank the three ships and damaged the White pearl. The prince had explained that the White Pearl just got here three days ago. The general got so worried and told the prince that after they were done with the treaty the Dauntless would accompany the White Pearl back to England and the prince back to the King and Queen.

The next day came soon after and the prince woke up and was all excited of what was about to happen and hoped the Indian leaders to sign the treaty. The general offered to come along and the prince allowed it Soon after twenty minutes the carriage was in the middle of the city and the prince stopped to eat something and it was so delishious that the prince ordered to have the recipe of the food that he had ate. Soon after the prince was in the meeting room again and trying to convince the leaders of India to sign the treaty.

When the meeting started the leaders were all mad because of yesterday and the prince saw the angry faces in them and thought that the treaty won't get signed today. The chancellor slammed the hammer and said "Let's start the discussion of the treaty and to see if it is fair to us in order to prevent war between our two countries.

The chancellor said “My friends lets start this again and try to resolve this for all of us”. The prince started to talk and said about those good things and most of the leaders agreed with the terms but only five disagreed with the terms because they wanted more from England and more from the king. After an hour most of the leaders signed the treaty and the chancellor himself signed it. But after that all of the leaders were waiting for the five other leaders to sign the document and to agree with the Kings terms and more as well. The general was very pleased to have all of these signatures in this document because it would also give English war ships to have access into Indian controlled oceans as well. The general said to the prince “Your father would be very proud of you”. The prince was very proud to hear that from the general because the general did not speak to him and little respect from him. Then the chancellor asked why had the five leaders of the south not signed the treaty. The leaders of the south said “ Our people are suffering and we need food and supplies and more as well”. The prince said “ If you sign the treaty we will go down to the South with supplies, food and more and we will also bring many things to the South to make it strong as the North. The five leaders went to another room to discuss it. After two hours the leaders came out and said “ Prince we accept your offer but we will require fifty pounds of platinum in order to complete this deal. The prince agreed and the five leaders signed the treaty and there was finally peace between India and England. The Indian war ships could enter English controlled waters and English could enter Indian controlled waters. Trading resumed allowing all trading ships to pass any blockades. The East India company could make business in England.

When the prince, the general, and Kevin got out of the meeting room the general said “ Were you serious when you said that we will go to the South?”.
The prince said “ I was very serious or the Indian council will declare war against England.
The general did not like the idea but it was the prince and he gave the orders not him. The prince said to load up the dauntless with supplies, food, and more important things the South’s people need to survive. The five Southern leaders went with them on the dauntless and the rest of the fleet went with them and carried a lot of supplies, and more stuff also. By night time the Dauntless and the rest of the fleet was all packed and ready to go. The prince ordered that when the south comes out we will depart.

Back on the pirate ship a small boat went to the pirate ship and a man got into the pirate ship. Captain Billy’s spy had returned and told the captain that the Indian council has signed the treaty and there will be no war. The captain got so mad because the peace between those two countries will cause the oceans to be more patrolled by English and Indian fleets and he knew they would not stand a chance against that kind of force. The spy had also told him that the crew of the prince was fixing the White Pearl and that a new ship called the Dauntless came into port with a fleet of ten more ships and that ship was huge. The spy showed him that the Dauntless was about the size 10 times his ship and more armed that it could sink a ship very fast. The captain was very afraid after he head of that because he also knew after that story spy had told him would sink all of his fleet down. The captain said set sail towards Russia we need an army to take that ship on. And there was also time to go there because the Prince was traveling to Southern India and it would take him another month to get there.

The pirate fleet left the oceans near India and set sail towards Russia. The captain was very mad of leaving but he had no choice because that huge ship would need to be taken down but with huge firepower as well. The captain’s advisor told him also that the pirates in Russia had a huge ship that was almost as big as the Dauntless.

Back on the Dauntless the prince and Kevin were having so much fun. The ship was so huge that they played hide and seek. The prince asked Kevin “Do you think that those pirates will ever return?”
Kevin said “ Possibly they are pirates you know”.
The prince said lets go eat a fancy meal then play again later. The prince went up to the mess hall and saw that the ship had leaking water coming from it. The prince went all the way up to tell the general. The general was very shocked to hear that and ordered some sailors to repair that hole before it sinks the whole ship. Soon the sailors fixed everything and grabbed some buckets and started pailing the water out of the ship. On top of the ship the prince said we will take the shortcut and then the general said “ Those waters are filled with barbarian pirates prince”.
The prince was in shock but then the general told him that there is a beautiful island two days from where we are and theres a hot jacuzzi with hot water there from the mountain and it is very relaxing and very comfortable.The prince changed his mind and wanted to go to the island instead. Then Kevin said that it would be a good idea to go there because it was very safe and the Southern India fleet was blockading around that are. Then the two Indian leaders got up on deck and both agreed to stop there and have a good time before delivering the supplies to the South.

Back in England the Queen and King were so worried still because they thought that the Dauntless did not make it to India and probably attacked by pirates and the ship sunk. And were also worried about his son who they both knew was brave and they didn’t think he would be that brave to face pirates. The King said “ Its all my fault”
The queen went to hug him and said that it was not his fault and she said that he wanted to go by himself and see if he could make it out in the real world. Soon after that the king ordered to sent a ship to India and to come back and tell him the new if his son is alive and if he is feeling well.The king was really worried still and went to his room to think because in the time the King had many countries that were against him like Germany, Hungary, Italy, Sweden and more countries that did not agree with him. But he also thought that he had many countries that were with him like Ireland, Spain, France, and almost India. But he knew that any country would pay anything to get their hands on his son.

Back in the Dauntless the ship was going very fast by the next day the ship had made it through one quarter to get to the South. The Indian leaders had also warned the general that the waters that they would reach in about an hour are filled with pirate ships and traps as well. the general went to the bridge and told the captain that they should put up the remaining 3 sails to pick up speed because he told him that pirates roam these waters and were the reason that the South was not getting enough supplies because they took the supplies and sold them in the black market. The general and the captain left the bridge and told the sailors of what had was about to happen.The general ordered for the sailors to load up their guns and get ready if any pirates try to attack them. After that a small boat went to the other ships to warm them and to get their guns ready incase of an attack on them. Kevin had heard the new and ordered also that the supplies are to be locked down and under heavy guard. Kevin ran up to the princes room to tell him of what they might be in for. The prince ordered for the finest guards to be in the front door to protect him of any unwanted visitors such as pirates. Soon after all of the security procedures the fleet went into the ocean that was under pirate control. Everything was going smoothly but soon five pirate ships came out and started firing the Dauntless was so big that some of the pirates were scared. The general ordered to open fire soon after the firing two of the pirate ships were sinking down. The other three pirate ships stayed there and out from behind the fleet four more pirate ships were there and opening fire on them. The leaders from the South told him that if even one of the princes ships sink there will be no deal for peace. The prince was shocked to hear that and the rest of the fleet opened fire. The battle was fierce. Out of the tall branches of the trees twenty pirates got onboard the Dauntless and started fighting against the soldiers. Soon after ten minutes the Dauntless had taken down the three remaining ships in front and the pirates onboard had all been defeated. The pirate ships from behind kept firing and the Dauntless because of its size was an easy target. And the fleet started to be weak. Soon Kevin came out and prepared the Dauntlesses new weapon and they fired in on the pirate ships just with one shot one pirate ship was sinking. Soon the two other pirate ships retreated and everything was safe once again. Once the ships were fine and not being attack the ships went out of the waters and finally got to the the relaxing Island the Leaders said about. Once the ships were repaired the ship was fine once again. The ship was left in the island’s dock heavily guarded and the prince went to the Island to have a good time there.

Back on the pirate ship captain billy arrived in Russia and went to the pirate’s bar to have a drink and to have a new crew and more as well. In the bar the pirate captain’s sat in a chair and talked. Billy was first and said “ If you come to India with me and your ships we can capture the prince of England and he would be worth a fortune. Once the pirate captains heard that they all agreed to go with captain Billy to India to attack and get the prince and demand a ransom from the King. Once the pirate ships set sail it would take half the time to get back to India because the tide was stronger going back then forward. Soon after that the ships were undergoing and inside of every ship the pirates brought many weapons like guns,grenades, rifles and more weapons so that they would have a chance to win. Soon after dawn came in the pirates set up a command ship were all the pirate captains were discussing their strategy on how they were going to attack. The captains knew that there was a huge blockade and they needed to get past it with minimum casualties as possible. Once captain came up with an idea to begin attacking and then lead them into a huge cove where they would have the advantage and sink the Indian ships down. But one captain disagreed and knew that the hips would not chase a ship down unless it was ordered. Billy sent his spy again to order the blockade to chase any enemy ships if they ever appear. The spy got sent in one of the Indian ships the pirates had hijacked before and will use it to their advantage. Once the Indian ship went away ahead of every ship the pirates set sail to the closest port to India and wait for the spy to return with good news.

Once the spy reached the blockade Soon the two officers came onboard and checked the ship out but were a little concerned because there were only five people on the ship and there was not even supplies on the ship. The navigator of the ship had told them that pirates attacked them and took the cargo, and most of the crew except for the five of them. Soon the officers went back to the ship the blockade let them through and they went to the closest dock they could go to. The spy said “ That was a close one they almost saw past those disguises that you had”.
The other four men stayed at the ship and waited for the return of the spy so they could make a getaway and back to the fleet of pirates. Soon after fifteen minutes a stagecoach came by and picked up the spy and they left to the city and the spy was thinking of his plan of how he is going to break the blockade apart.

Back on the Dauntless the prince was having a fun time on the Island he got what he expected he was really calm and his stress went away. Kevin was also there he was very calm when he went in the spring. Kevin could feel it it felt very natural and the water was very nice and calm as well. The general and the Southern leaders of India also went in it felt very relaxing and the finest foods the prince had and also the others who were with him as well. The prince was still worried if the two Southern leaders would keep their work or would they betray them.

Back on the pirate fleet the pirate captains were all around waiting for the spy to come back it seemed like forever that they had to wait for them. One of the captains was losing his patience and said “ When is he going to come back we have been here for almost a week standing here with nothing to do”. One of the captains tried to calm him down and he did calm down but only for a day. Then the next day he lost his patience again with the spy not coming back. One of the captains ordered a man to throw a bucket of water at him so he would calm down. Once the man threw the bucket at him he said “ whoever did that I will have his head for this and thrown down the plank”. Then the man who threw the bucket of water at him ran away and hid in his bed and was pretending to sleep. Then it was time to swab the poop deck and the others went there while he slept. The captain found him and caught him. The other captain soon stepped in and told him that it was him who ordered to do that because he was losing his temper.

Back on India the spy was arriving in the conference room and wanted to talk to the chancellor. He talked to him about the blockade and how it would be more affective if pirate ships come they should chase them down. The chancellor was a little worried that he might be an enemy but he looked good enough so he signed the paper giving the order that if any pirate ships come by here the Indian ships must chase them down. The spy went running out of the ship and thought of how the pirates would reward him handsomely. Soon he returned to the ship and ordered to cast off and to go to and stop at the blockade. Once the ship stopped near the blockade the officer asked what he was doing here and he presented the document to the officers and the officers read it and ordered the navigators and the whole blockade of the new orders the chancellor gave.

Soon the spy returned to the pirates hiding place and boarded the pirate ship and told the pirate captains that the order was set. All of the captains were excited to hear this because it meant that the plan was successful and more as well. Soon the captains told the crew that all they needed to is wait for at least two weeks or less if it is possible.

On the ship that the king sent it had arrived in India and went to the Indian council and asked if the the prince was alright. The council told him he was alright he was going to the South to sent some supplies to the starving people because the Southern leaders made a deal with the prince if he went himself to the South to deliver the supplies to the South along with them, Kevin, and the General. The officers were relieved to hear that because they needed to report back to the King soon after twenty minutes the ship left back to England it would get there within a week at full speed at all time. The sailors were also happy to know that the prince was alright. Soon after the sun went down the ship other two sails came down so the ship could go faster because they all knew that pirates attack more during the night so they wanted to go faster. Soon after a few hours the sun went up and they arrived in the continent of Africa and they were really close.

Back in England the king and queen were really worried the king was very patience and asked the officer if the ship came every five hours. The officer had told him that he would tell him when it would arrive but for now he would need to calm down. The king was more nervous after that happened and once the queen knew of it she started to cry again and was really devastated to hear that her child might be held in captivity or even dead she was just crying in her room alone. The king came in and tried to calm down the queen but she did not stop crying. Soon after an hour an officer came into the palace and interrupted the king and queen and had told them that the ship that he had sent had returned at last. The king was happy to hear that the ship was finally coming with some news. The queen stopped crying and was a little relieved to hear the news that was coming and was hoping that it was good news.

Once the ship that had the news the King and queen went to their chairs and waited for the news to come to the palace. Once the ships officer came in with the news the queen asked him how his son was doing. The officer told him that everything was alright and the prince was just running a little errand to deliver some supplies to the South because it was so the Southern Leaders could sign the treaty and have peace between both countries. He also said that the prince should be back in about three to four months. The king and queen were both relieved of the news and were happy to hear that no harm had been done to the prince. They were both also proud that the prince convinced the Indian council to sign the treaty between both of the countries.
Back on the pirate ship the captains sent the spy again to find out when the prince was going to get back to India with the leaders. The spy went back on the hijacked ship, passed the blockade,and his ship went into the dock. Both of the men which went back with the spy docked the ship and the spy traveled across the city and into the Indian council. He got in and stayed there until the council came together and announce the day the prince will come back and the Southern Leaders as well. The captains were a little nervous that they won't be ready and the prince’s fleet of ships go through the blockade and they won't attack them.

On the Island the prince was getting bored and ordered to pack everything up and set sail. It was already night time so he ordered at the first sight of the sun they would leave and continue the quest to the South part of India. The dauntless was really fast and the prince liked that very much. because he could feel the strong winds and could see the dolphins jumping on the side of the ship and it was very beautiful and very elegant as well. The prince ordered to have complete silence while he was sleeping. The prince had the biggest room and the biggest bed in the ship and he slept very well because the bed felt more like a cloud than hardwood floors on his other thip the White Pearl. The prince was also thinking of making the Dauntless his own ship and that he would have the biggest ship ever made and the biggest ship made ever around the world as well.

In the other room the general was thinking of the same thing because he thought if he had the ship no navy of any country would ever stand a chance or will ever challenge the Dauntless. His navy would be the most powerful in all of the world and he even thought if he had the ship he could invade other countries with the biggest army onboard and nothing would stand in his way. The prince dreamed if this was his ship he would travel the whole world and possibly discover new lands beyond the pillars of hercules. But in his dreams he was also concerned of what his father was going to say to him about taking over the Dauntless. Soon the Dauntless entered a dark part of the ocean it was near the edges of India but still really dark.

Soon after an hour in the dark ocean the captain ordered to drop the ten remaining sails and to be at full speed. But he thought wrong that he was out of danger when the fleet and the Dauntless were surrounded by Arabian pirates and they were fierce the ships held together. The captain of the Arabian pirates had ordered to board the ship,take any valuables, and last to sink it down. Many pirates boarded the ships and the prince, Kevin, the general, and the two Indian leaders woke up. Many were scared but the royal army was also onboard. The soldiers managed to get the pirates off the Dauntless. Soon after the Dauntless opened fire on the enemy ships. Most of the new canons the Dauntless had were really big and were considered new weapons. Once firing the cannons only two shots at one enemy ship brought it down. After the Arabian captain saw this he ordered to retreat and left all his crew behind. The pirates on the other ships were winning. Once the Dauntless made the pirates retreat lots of soldiers came out and boarded the other ships taking them back from the pirates. Once all in peace there was one last surviving pirate and it was the Arabian captain’s best mate and the soldiers had him under custody. Once in the cell the pirate spoke out that all the pirates around Asia knew that captain Billy and a huge army of ships and many pirates were going to break through the blockade and capture the prince and ask the King and Queen for a ransom. Once the two english officers had told the prince about the plot that was going against him. He knew that India will be devastated and will declare war against England and with their allies backing them up in the war. Trade routes will be closed and England will go bankrupt. The prince told everyone that it was only one day until the fleet would have gotten to the South. Most sailors were happy to hear that the fleet will be weighing anchor soon enough. The next day the fleet had reached the South the fleet made it into port and unloaded all of the supplies. Most poor women and children were given supplies because they were suffering, hungry, and more as well. Soon after the unloading the leaders agreed to the treaty and the prince was ready to set sail in two days while he relaxes and gets supplies,food, and more for his crew in the South. The leaders gave the prince the more exclusive Hotel in the South. The prince was honored to have new maids, butlers, and servants at his command during those two days that he was relaxing until taking off to India and getting the treaty from the Indian high command which they have kept until the deal was done.

The prince soon woke up and it was one day until they were going. But before the prince went to his Hotel the Leaders had warned him that there is much crime in Southern India because everyone was poor. And had also warned him of a group of bandits who steal from the poor and give it to the poor and he might go in the Hotel and steal what you have that is worth a fortune. Soon the prince went out of bed, had some breakfast, and went outside with Kevin to see what the South looked like. Once the prince saw the city it looked very poor and many people were sick and looked like they were about to die. The only ones that he saw that were in good health were the soldiers and the rich people with stagecoaches. Soon after the prince and Kevin went with the stagecoach up the mountains. The prince saw that it was amazing. In the mountains the prince saw that it was beautiful because people were poor but still had farms and were good in health as well. Soon after the prince stopped the stagecoach and gave the farmers and their families some gold which were worth a lot. The farmers and their families thanked the prince for being so generous and being nice to them as well. The prince also gave them a lot of money because he knew that they will need it if something happened in their futures as well.

Soon the prince rode off in his stagecoach. Soon the prince left and wanted to head past the mountains and wanted to see what it was like there. Kevin had told him that there were no roads past the mountain so the prince said “ Lets walk it from here shall we”.
Kevin agreed with him and the prince took two more guards with him just in case something happened. Soon the prince saw the other side and it was a huge military base filled with enough soldiers to conquer the North. The prince and Kevin hiked up the mountain again and rode off. The prince had ordered the driver to go faster. Soon they got back to the city and he ordered to go to the Dauntless as fast as possible. The general saw the prince coming and he was surprised to see him. The prince told the general that it was time to go back to the North. The Dauntless needed to be more supplied so the prince had to wait another day. Since the Dauntless could not go he ordered to send a small ship to the North to warn them about the pirate attack on the blockade and the treat of the South making a huge army. The small ship soon casted off and rode away into the sunset.

On the small ship that the prince had ordered to send the message the ship was very little but really fast. By night time the ship had reached halfway between India and would make the rest in the morning. In the morning the crew woke up and they had reached the blockade. The blockade had been more powerful with more ships because it was the time that the soldiers come home from guarding the Indian waters. The blockade had like a thousand more ships lined up and it looked like a force that no enemy could pass through.

When the pirate army saw all of those ships coming they knew that they would go on with their plan but attack with all they got. But this time the pirates had a plan to board the ships take control of them and use them against the blockade. The pirates thought it would be risky but they continued with their plan to take down the blockade and capture the prince and have it all to themselves with all the reward the King will give them for the prince.

Back on southern India the supplies, and food were ready to travel the prince ordered to so immediately. The Dauntless and the ships got out of the dock and were leaving. They knew that they would be facing the pirates of the dark waters so they also had supplies of gunpowder and many cannonballs loaded in every ship. The Dauntless was going so fast it almost looked like a racing boat instead of the ship the prince felt. The other ships followed and this time the prince was persistent to get back to Northern India to warn them about everything that is happening there. By night time the Dauntless and the fleet got halfway of the journey back to the North because there was a current of water that helped the ships go faster. By day time the prince could see that there were no pirates this time and he was impressed because he thought they all retreated but so he thinks.

On the messenger ship the sailors went into port and a stagecoach came in and the one in charge went to the Indian high command building and went to the chancellor and told him of everything that had happened in front of every leader except the south’s because they were not there. All the leaders got really angry of what the south was planning to do to the North and everyplace in India. And the princes squire told him also that there was a spy from the pirates in here. Once the spy heard of that he took both of his guns out and shot two leaders from the East. The guards fired their muskets and injured him. The five guards protecting the other leaders got him and arrested him.

Once in prison the interrogator came in and asked him why he killed them and why was he spying on the Leaders of India. The spy had told the interrogator that he had been sent by Captain Billy the most wanted pirate in all the oceans. And had also told him about the new law he had tricked the chancellor into doing to change the blockade to chase after pirate ships. Soon after the he told him that the pirates goal is to capture the prince and make the King and queen pay a ransom to get their son back and to turn India against England so India could declare war against England and let two nations destroy one another. Once the interrogator heard that he quickly ran to the chancellor to explain everything. Once the chancellor heard that he ordered to change the rule that no blockade ships go after the pirate ships. And to send seven war ships to escort the prince back to Northern India. Once the chancellor told the leaders of India they were all screaming and being paranoid. Once the leaders calmed down the chancellor ordered to put those one thousand extra ships that came in the blockade and fully armed. Once the ships were fully armed the chancellor ordered that every ship coming to India should be double checked and see what weapons they had. Many ships were still coming through port and they did not know if they should send soldiers there to double check them or leave them alone and come to port. The threat was big because a royal ship and a fleet of fifteen ships were coming here with rich cargo like gold, diamonds, rubies, and the most valuable golden statue with rubies, and diamonds around it that represented the peace between Russia and India.

Back on the Dauntless the captain saw three ships going towards them he thought it was pirates so he rung the bell for all guns to be loaded and all sailors with their guns in case of the pirates trying to board. Soon the captain saw that it was only Indian navy ships and he ordered for all sailors to stand down and all guns to be unloaded. The Indian ships boarded the Dauntless but it was hard because the Dauntless was so big that the captain and his officers had to climb up a rope. Soon as the captain and the officers got on board the Dauntless the captain thanked them for sending that ship to tell them about the threat that was coming from the pirates and about the spy trying to change everything. The prince came out of his room and told them that the pirates are going to start a war and trying to capture him. The captain of the Indian fleet and the prince both agreed to go back to the North and get there in the night time because there was a secret entrance to enter India and ships could go through it as well. At night time the ships went through a cave that was so big that even the Dauntless could fit through. Once Inside there was a current that made them go faster into Northern India. Once outside the cave the prince could see the dock and the sailors and the White Pearl that the prince left were there and all the sailors very happy to see them and most of them waved at the incoming ship.

On the Indian ships the three ships got back to the blockade and made it more strong as well.

On the pirate ships the lookouts saw the Dauntless go into the Dock and one of them went down to report to the captains of what was going on. The captains were all mad because of the ship had escaped. All the captains agreed to start battle. Soon after that the pirate ships attacked the Indian blockade and the Indian blockade fired back at them. The battle was fierce and even the captains boarded the ships. The Dauntless soon saw the battle and turned back and aimed their cannons at the enemy. Once the Dauntless came out of the blockade captain Billy boarded the ship. It was a big war between the pirates. The prince also fought in the battle and went against captain Billy. He knew that he had no chance against him but all of a sudden Kevin came out of the fight and aimed his sword at Billy’s neck. Billy blocked the sword with his own and the prince had the chance and killed the captain with a gun. The other pirate ships soon retreated and all of the Captains were Killed. After the fighting the prince chopped out Billy’s head and climbed the mast and hanged it there to show the pirates that he was the one who killed the most powerful pirate in history. Then later on the people of the ship were doing many things and they all wanted a party so they can celebrate the victory over the pirates. Later on at night the Indian leader had a celebration made for defeating their enemies. The prince during the night went to sleep and had a good time because he knew now that the waters back to England will be safe and pirate free. In the morning the prince went to the Dauntless and shipped off. Soon by nightfall the ships got to England because of the current that helped the ships go faster. Soon the prince got off the ship. The queen and king saw him coming they hugged him and were proud that he combined the two countries together with the treaty.

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