Friday Morning | Teen Ink

Friday Morning

September 26, 2017
By mailandavalos BRONZE, Fort Worth, Texas
mailandavalos BRONZE, Fort Worth, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was Friday morning and the long, mind-changing, three day weekend had just begun. The view during the drive to my vacation spot made me rethink my own views on the tiny, yet significant, gifts of life.  “What have I been missing?” I ponder to myself.

About three years ago I went on a road trip to the glorious (now deceased) Port Aransas. This sounds like a great adventure, and a fun car ride, right? Wrong. Nothing is fun with a whiney toddler and an annoying 5th grader in the car. After only 2 hours everyone was tired of each other, so we were all on our phones and tablets: except the driver of course! Once a couple hours had passed I decided to unplug from all my electronic devices and take a glance out the window. I couldn’t believe what my eyes were seeing. It was almost as if I had just fell in love.

Wow, isn’t crazy to think that fifty-six percent of children age’s eight to twelve own a cell phone? Those are still kids in elementary school! Nowadays children get rid of their imagination at such young ages. They don’t admire all the pretty things in nature because they’re glued to the bright screens in their faces.

While gazing out the window I saw all the pastel colored houses side by side. I saw the waves crashing into the sea wall and I even saw dolphins! Taking my eyes off my phone was the best decision I made all weekend because I felt like I grew closer to nature. Once I saw the breathtaking wide open sea, there was no way I was going to leave. As the car windows rolled down the salty and gritty air touched my face. My twelve year old self became one with the stunning Port Aransas beach and all I had to do was look up.

Therefore, when distractions are set aside people can truly admire the extraordinary things of the world; nature’s gifts. The home we have on earth is a beautiful place. Just by glancing out the window I was shown the beauties of the great lone star state.

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