The Bet | Teen Ink

The Bet

December 2, 2016
By anttheyoungin BRONZE, Sacramento, California
anttheyoungin BRONZE, Sacramento, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
i want to inspire a generation like a generation inspired me

The BetHave you ever had a second thought on a bet that involved money?! One time I was misjudged was on a very sunny evening in my 7th grade year. There were minutes before lunch and I was telling my friends to go to the field so we can play soccer. (bell rings) everyone's running to go get lunch lunch but i'm running to get the ball. So i'm waiting for my friends to get here. Out of nowhere this 8th grader name John came up to me and said “I bet you $30 that you can't make a goal from 15 yards outs.” I was hesitating on the bet but I thought to myself if I score this people will give me more respect.

So I told him deal on! While he's setting down the ball one of my friends from the distance yells,” wait let me bring everyone!” while i'm waiting  for everyone I  hear John's friends telling him,” if you get scored on you're weak.” So my friends finally show up and they start putting pressure on me.

Edwin yells,” if you don't make this anthony you suck at soccer!”
I slowly start thinking what if I miss and owe him money I don't have no money.

Francisco screams,” no pressure mate!”
I look at juan if he's going to say anything but he just gives me a eye like if you don't make this
you're a waste of my time.
I slowly take 3 large steps back and 2 small steps to the left .
I take 3 deep breaths and the whole universe changed. I begin to say a prayer to god.

( 5 seconds past) I kicked the ball so hard and high. John yells,” you're weak I  want my $30 tomorrow!” slowly the ball was coming down and one of john's friend name edwin yells ,” john the ball is going in!”. John was too late to go back in the goalie box and the ball went straight in the goal. All my friends celebrated with me. I was thinking to myself wow I just made a goal on a 8th grader that's on the soccer team. Meanwhile john's friends called john weak and they rapidly told me congrats and to tryout for the soccer team. Now to this day john still remember and tells me if I remember when I scored on him.

Because he misjudged me I learned to never misjudged. Like my parents always told me anything is possible. I hoped john learned a lesson on that day because I think before he made that bet he went around telling everyone that I was thrash at soccer and i wouldn't go anywhere in the future and be a nobody. From that point on I was never misjudged.

The author's comments:

I hope my passage help out or leads other people to never put anyone down or misjudged someone because anything is possible in this world.

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