Changes | Teen Ink


December 17, 2015
By Elizabeth2015 BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Elizabeth2015 BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Click, click snapped the Iphone cameras. I glanced at one of my best friends after we took our first day of school photos. The first day of my new school seemed alarming I mean you can imagine how high-strung I was but…she was going to help me through it. This is the day I learned change isn’t always a bad thing.
           We sprung into Anabella’s car laughing and smiling as we headed to the bus stop. Anabella is the type of person who can just give you a look and make you laugh; she is loud, kind, and trustworthy. So, I knew she would be a awesome person to assist me. We got out of the car and I felt my heart started to pound so hard that I felt like it was going to rip out of my chest.  I could hear my heart going thud, thud, thud as the bus rolled our way. “There’s the bus”, I said staring at the old yellow and black looking bus rolling down the block. You can do this! I would say in my head Just get on the bus.  I started to shiver a little thinking about what was to come as we jogged up the bus. All I have to remember: Be confident and you’ll be fine. 
The bus wasn’t quite as old and scary as I thought, although it hummed really loud but it was okay. The seats were a little torn and an ugly shade of green but at least it didn’t smell. There were so numerous faces of people I have never met but everyone seemed kind. I asked Anabella if she knew anybody but she only knew a few. Which made sense because most of them appeared to be high schoolers.
Here we go! I said to myself as we jumped off the school bus. The school was nice a quite frankly bigger than my other school. After I stopped staring at the wonders of this new building we went straight to our lockers, got our materials out of our backpacks and slammed our lockers shut. Surprisingly we had the same first hour Mrs. Kroft, 7th grade math. Which I am not very good at math so that made me more tense. We walked through the halls reviewing where our other classes would be located until we got to Mrs. Krofts class. That’s when it hit me What if the kids don’t like me?
As we walked around the room looking curiously at what kids had walked in Anabella and I dragged out a chair which made a really loud noise that clanked against the metal. Soon Anabella’s friend Macey scurried over to where we were sitting and sat down
“Hey, who is this?”
“I’m Elizabeth”, I responded
“Is it your first day at Kenowa?”
“Yeah, I kind of like it but I’m still a little nervous” A little nervous! I thought great already starting out with lies!
“Oh, you’ll like Kenowa. It’s a nice place!”
What Macey said made me feel calm about the change. It set my mind at ease to what Kenowa was going to be like.  It made me no longer nervous about school. Or about whether I’d make friends or not. I was happy that I’d meet people who I might have things in common with. Than I thought to myself maybe change is a good thing--and maybe Kenowa wouldn’t be so bad.

The author's comments:

This is about the first day at my new school and how nervous I was until I met a girl named Macey.

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