Camping at Uvas Canyon | Teen Ink

Camping at Uvas Canyon

November 15, 2015
By Anonymous

My dad drops me off at the church on S Stelling Rd and McClellan Rd Coopertino, California. Form there I loaded put my gear in my scoutmaster’s SUV. We took role and left for Uvas canyon. I picked to ride with my friend Adam. I was excited to be camping again after I missed the last few camping trips with my boy scouts troop.   On the drive there I saw an unusual amount of open houses, a black branded cow probably lost, and then almost right after we saw the cow, we saw multiple wild turkey cross the road (we almost road killed the turkey).  I thought, wow now I get to record 2 wild animals and now I have 8 more to record to get a rank requirement. 

When we got there I took a little bit of time to find a flat area without many rocks to set up my tent. The area was thin but very long it took me some time to walk form one side to the other. Just after i found a flat spot I got all my gear and set up my tent. A few minutes after I set up my tent the SPL(senior patrol leader) told us that we were going on a hike and to get ready because it would be pretty steep. I never expected this but it was a good thing that I put some paracord(paracord is nylon kernmantle rope) in my pocket before we left so made a sash and used a carabiner to attach my water bottle to it.

I asked the assistant scout master if he would go on the hike he said, “no I'm too weak if I did I would need to rest every 10 seconds”.(At the time he was 80 years old) The Scout master called us all to the pick nick tables near to the camp fire pit. He told we would need a lot of water. I was stupid and thought that 1 liter would be enough. Some one brought a ton of water enhancers and every one was adding it to there water bottles. people only put it in their water bottles some people brought camelbaks but if you put a water enhancer in it is hard to clean out. Then we took a bathroom break.

We started the hike It was all downhill at the start. The SPL said that is was very steep. I was getting the felling that this would be a little 5 min hike until we turned a corner right in front of us normally would be a trail along the creek but all of a sudden the path was less than a foot wide. After a 100 feet of that there was just a drop just 2 steps, wet and slippery too. I was surprised that the adults at the end could actually get down. I thought that some people would get stuck because the passage is very skinny and some people were over weight.

It was easy the rest of the way until we hit a fork in the trail. We could go one of two ways one was the short way and one was the long way. Everyone picked the short way(I didn’t care witch way we went). The SPL end up going with the majority, up the short way. The way up on the short way up was very steep. Many of the younger scouts needed to rest on the way up the hill. Many of them regretting the choice to pick the short way. I was doing ok while going up the hill my legs were just starting to get tired when we got to the top of the trail.

The trail ended where we were standing and we had a choice go down to camp the short way or continue up on a different trail. The SPL said that if we go up there is an awesome view but on the map the trail is actually labeled steep. All of the small kids chose to go down back to camp but all the older kids(includes me) wanted to see the view, all of them weren’t tired and one little kid said that he wanted to go. With that one little kid wanting to go with us it made the vote a tie so the SPL chose to split up the, little kids went down with the tired parents and every one who wanted to up came went the other way. About 10 feet up the trail the one little kid that came with us regretted his choice but still had to come with us. The hill was insane it was at least a 45 degree angle upward. we stopped in mid way up at a clearing of trees and we could see the whole valley. We could see the sierra nevadas it awesome. I thought to my self I will probable never see a greater view in my life. the rest of the hike up was tiring not as bad as earlier because everyone was moving slowly.

At the top we dank water and sat down on a pick nick bench. A few minutes later we went down. Going down was actually hard because it sloped down so much it was a good thing that the trail was wide because we were able to zigzag down the hill which made is so much easier. If you fell you would slide all the way down the hill.  When we got to the bottom we made sure that every one got down the hill a minute later we started off back to camp from the intersection from where our group split. We went up hill for a little bit then it evened off. It was easy to hike all of us pause at a creek that we need cross we played in the water.  The water was nice and cold in the warm day.

The way back was easy almost no up hill because we took the longer way back we got to see another view.  In the area the was bench so we took a break drank water and my friend told every one to quiet after he said that 5 seconds later we broke out laughing because there was a kid called Kyle yelling. Kyle was one of those little kids with a very loud high pitched voice.  A few minutes after we set off, it only took 5 minutes to get back to camp.

At camp my friend and I found a football and stated to play football after a few tosses and catches we accidentally threw the football over the edge of the hill. It turned out the we were going to play a football game with the troop. The SPL said that we needed to get it because if we didn’t the troop wouldn't be able to play football.

He sent my friend, 2 other kids and me down the hill we got down and didn't find any thing at the bottom. There were many trees on the hill we thought that it might be stuck on at the base of a tree. So we decided to- climb up the hill to look for the football. That was a very bad decision. Ten minutes later my friend found the ball. We were already so high up that we couldn’t go down the only way to get back to camp would be by climbing up the hill to camp. We all had to go on hands and feet even while doing that we had trouble getting up the hill. 

I got stuck while going up next to a fallen log. I would go up the slide right down while sliding I had to grip the tree while doing that I got a few cuts and scrapes. After a few times of trying all the leaves were scraped away leaving the ground easier to grip, I put both hands on the log and got my self up. Just after that near the top There were an abnormal amount of leaves I found a stick that could support my weight and used it to help me up. I slipped a few more times almost falling all the way down and injuring my self badly.

I finally got to the top with many little cuts and scrapes, sweating like crazy. I went to the bathroom and wash my self off and got into a new change of cloths. All us who went down and found that football were to tire to play so we sat there talking and watching the other kids play. Then came dinner time, I had a bad dinner. For dinner was macaroni,  the adults cooked all kinds of different flavors in dutch oven. I was eating and I found and a beetle in my food which made me lose my appetite. At 8 we had campfire till nine. I forgot my tooth brush and just went straight to bed. The next morning we got up at 7:00 am ate breakfast, packed and, left for home.

The author's comments:

A camping trip with many stupid decisions

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