Finding My Passion | Teen Ink

Finding My Passion

December 16, 2013
By Sarah222 BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
Sarah222 BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I could feel my microphone tape sticking to my neck.
I smelt the musty old smell of the theatre.
The clock ticking on the back wall was even with my breaths.
As the burning heat of the yellow stage lights radiated upon me, my hands started to sweat.
I heard a cough and looked up to see the audience’s eyes glaring intently at me with anticipation.
My heartbeat was trying to even out, the butterflies in my stomach trying to settle.
Feeling the itchiness of my costume and the tightness around my waist made me even more nervous.
What if I tripped? What if I spoke the wrong line? Were the thoughts running through my mind.
After all of this thinking, listening, and feeling, I finally felt ready. I was ready to speak that very first line.
“Oh! Snow White honey, you’re finally here!”
So I did. I spoke that first line loudly and with as much confidence as I could muster up.
Yes it was scary.
Yes I was nervous.
BUT there is no other feeling the world that can compare to how you feel when you are there onstage, speaking your lines so perfectly, playing your part with such confidence, and really just becoming your character. That feeling, I felt it tonight, for the very first time, and it was one of the best things I have ever felt.
Being onstage I found myself. Theatre was my passion, and it was something I wanted to continue for a very long time.

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