Personal Metaphors | Teen Ink

Personal Metaphors

April 23, 2022
By bugjuicepoetry ELITE, Fort Wayne, Indiana
bugjuicepoetry ELITE, Fort Wayne, Indiana
223 articles 28 photos 11 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I was born very far from where I'm supposed to be. So, I guess I'm on my way home."

If I were a natural phenomenon I would be a summer thunderstorm. 

Summer thunderstorms are warm and clean. They have a short temper but they tire quickly and the sun comes back out. They can rage and scream and torrent but when they finish they are calm and whole. They bring stillness and peace and cooler days. I think that I would like to be a summer thunderstorm. I would like to give warmth and cleanse a summer day. I would like to be emotional in the way summer thunderstorms are, not angry at you, just raging against and for the world at the same time. I think it also terrifies me to be a summer thunderstorm. Only here for a short time, gone so soon, and their change lasts only for a day or two, then forgotten. But the wind would whistle and the trees would bow to let me pass, and when I was done and gone, I’d leave the smell after the rain on a warm summer night. Crashes of lighting like fireworks. 

If I were a food I would be strawberries.

They must be putting serotonin in strawberries. I love strawberries, they easily make my list of best things in the world. Strawberries taste like summer. Strawberry-flavored things? 10/10, would recommend. Strawberry-scented things? Also 10/10, Kiley can confirm. Songs with Strawberry in the title? Absolute bops. (Strawberry fields forever by The Beatles, Strawberry Lipstick by Yungblood, Strawberries and Cigarettes from Love, Simon) Strawberries are the pinnacle of existence and what I strive to embody. 

If I were a color I would be yellow.

Yellow is like waking up in the morning to clouds outside your window, it’s like the summer. Yellow is warm like honey, flowing slow, like sunflowers, like the sun on your eyelids on a July afternoon when you're lying in the grass talking to your best friend. Yellow is thunderstorms when you're lying in your bed in June and teenage friends at the mall ready to spend. Yellow is lemonade and the centers of daisies, the sun hanging low in the mid-day sky, scrambled eggs and bumbling bees, a softball whistling and flying high, black eyed susans in my back yard, butterscotch buttons and lemon drops, A+ assignments your teacher starred, and butterflies, canaries and friendly wasps. Yellow is a color I can understand, a color that wants healing and growth and love and happiness. 

If I were a song I would be Parents by Yungblud.

Parents by Yungblud is a very upbeat-sounding song, but when you listen to the lyrics, you realize it’s hiding layers of hurt and anger. I think that to a lot of people who don’t know me very well, I may seem very peppy and outgoing and optimistic, but when you start to get to know me, you start to realize that there’s more to me than just that outside layer. On top of that, I relate to the lyrics a lot. 

If I were a type of building, I would be a Little Library

If I were a type of building, I wo. uld be a little library. Little libraries aren’t exactly necessary, are they? And they are easily forgotten, blending in with the scenery. They can be filled with books like “Irreversible Damage” by Abigail Shrier, and do nothing besides spread hatred and hurt. But that isn’t always the case. Although they might not be exactly necessary, many people would be very sad to see their’s leave. And for every person who forgets about their little library, their eyes glancing over it and continuing on, there is a child who runs to it, excited for their next book, there is a tired teenager who leans against it and looks for solace in the shelves, and  there is an adult, smiling, ready to pass their book on and find a new one. Little libraries are not always a breeding ground for political or hatred-spreading books. Sometimes, they are just the kind of rest a tired person may need. 

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