How to Walk in the Woods | Teen Ink

How to Walk in the Woods

February 13, 2024
By Anonymous

Taking walks in the woods can be known as scary or not safe, but if done right, it can help to keep your blood pressure down, and it also can help with stress and anxiety. It can help more than just your anxiety, walking outside is a free fun-filled activity, and it can be hard to find free activities. It can clear your mind and being in nature will help you see new things you won't see when you are inside sitting in your bed.

     Clara Johnston is an experienced, trusted person with nature; both of her parents work in biology, and she has been walking in the woods for most of her life. Johnston's experience was at Devil's Lake, she said: “It was the most amazing experience of my life.” It gave her a new insight into seeing nature and animals.

      There are important factors when walking in an area you don't fully control. The first step she recommends is wearing comfortable, active clothing that won't snag on branches or anything, along with comfortable tennis shoes, a hat, bug spray, and maybe sunscreen depending on the weather. The second step is having a buddy, even being an experienced person it's always helpful to have at least another person or small group of people.

Now that you are dressed and prepared, the next important step that many people can forget is snacks and water, even if you only plan to walk for half an hour. It's critical to be prepared, so take a backpack with snacks, water, and sunscreen. Now you are ready to go, once you arrive at where you are walking, you can begin.

        Being in the unknown can be not safe no matter how experienced you are. Things to stay away from are having earbuds in while walking, not going in the dark or bad weather, and also not going alone.

     Being surrounded by nature can be nerve-racking for some people but it also can provide people with a sense of freedom and peacefulness, you don't know until you try it. Clara said, “Take in sounds, textures, smells, and colors.” It's important to be alert, you can feel tempted to touch things and explore but sometimes staying with the path is the best decision, not touching animals and also being quiet, not drawing attention to yourself, and being in the moment.


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