Alexis V | Teen Ink

Alexis V

December 18, 2008
By Anonymous

Alexis V is a fun teenage girl with a vibrant personality. Her siblings' names are Connor and Parker; Parker is her twin. She's really close to both sisters. Alexis has a dog named Blue who is a seven year old Golden Retriever and a cat named Tanner, who's one year old. She enjoys going for walks, playing the piano, reading, listening to music and spending time with family and friends.

Alexis' favorite holiday is Christmas, she loves the snow and Christmas Carols. A tradition in her family is that her and her sisters get to open one present on Christmas Eve. Her favorite subject in school is creative writing; she loves writing and her friends are in her class. Her least favorite is math because she gets frustrated with it and has never really gotten it. Also, her favorite season is winter. She loves sledding and playing the snow during this season, it took her a long time to warm up to it.

Her favorite memory from a past summer is when she went to her dad's softball game and got stung in the eye by a bee. It's her favorite because, even though it wasn't the happiest memory, it was the first time she ever got stung by a bee. If Alexis could go anywhere in the whole wide world, she would go to Australia because she likes their music and wants to go to the Sydney Opera house. If she could take one subject out of school, she would take history out because we learn the same things over and over every other year. And if she could go back and relive a grade of school she would go back to kindergarten because she misses everything being so simple and easy.

When Alexis gets older, she doesn't really know what she wants to be. Some days she wants to be something then the next, something different. She says overall, she'd really like to be a writer and that her mom and good books and writing she's read have inspired her.

Alexis has been to Florida quite a few times, her favorite time was the most recent time she went, she had a lot fun because she got to go shopping and got over her fear of bees. The only bad part of her vacation was getting really bad sunburn. If she won a million dollars she'd give it to churches and charities save some for colleges and her future car. Over the years Alexis' has changed quite a bit, she doesn't really know how to explain how she's changed but she's knows it was for the better.


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