Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

March 31, 2016
By kenzie_atthedisco BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
kenzie_atthedisco BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
2 articles 0 photos 3 comments

If I were to nominate anyone for the Educator of the Year Award, I would nominate my 7th and 8th grade teacher Mrs. Persinger from All Saints Catholic School in Wilmington, Delaware.  Throughout those 2 years, Mrs. Persinger not only prepared me for high school, she also helped me with any personal problems that I had.  Mrs. Persinger not only has a great personality, she also has amazing teaching skills which is why I am nominating her.

Mrs. Persinger’s personality can be described in many ways.  She is caring and helpful.  Mrs. Persinger was concerned for all of her students’ well being.  She is the kind of teacher that you could approach if you did not understand something or if you had any problems.  I would say that Mrs. Persinger has a type A personality.

Mrs. Persinger’s teaching skills are absolutely exceptional.  Her style of teaching conformed to all of her students’ different styles of learning.  Mrs. Persinger made each of her lessons relatable and fun.  She has high standards for all of her students and wants all of them to succeed in life.  Mrs. Persinger would sacrifice her free time to help her students. 

In 7th and 8th grade, I hit some rough patches in my life.  The only person that I trusted and told was Mrs. Persinger.  She is the teacher you can go to and tell anything.  She would listen and suggest solutions.  Mrs. Persinger is one of the reasons why I am sitting here today.  She has a major impact on each of her students’ lives.

Mrs. Persinger is kind, relatable, a great listener, and an excellent teacher.  She possesses many qualities that a great teacher should have.  Her personality traits and her teaching style are only some of the many great qualities that Mrs. Persinger has.  This is why I am nominating Mrs. Persinger for Educator of the Year.

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