Social Media Problems | Teen Ink

Social Media Problems

January 6, 2014
By cianneg1 BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
cianneg1 BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The disease, it’s spreading quickly. Are you going to stop it? All social networks are having one problem… Everybody is sharing too much information. The world is coming to a new phase. Some kids have a good reason to use social networks, but others are taking it too far.

Kids don’t pay attention to what they post nor do they care. Experts from CEOP, an organization say that just as kids have responsibilities at home and school they also need to learn how to behave more sensitively online. What teenagers are posting about other teenagers are rude and might not even be true. In our own towns teenagers are committing suicide because of what other kids are saying online to them. Most young americans argue t that they believe that they can post what they want and if the people don’t like what they are saying, delete them which could resolve some of the problem.

Teenagers are playing an online game mostly on Facebook which is about letting people hack you. They give you their personal information and they get on your facebook. This is dangerous because the person could actually get on your Facebook, change your personal information, and take over your entire page and you won’t get it back. Opponents might object and say they don’t care and they would only give their personal information to people that they trust. You might want to think twice before giving your information to people on social media. Would you leave your door open to strangers?

Finally, some kids might social media to communicate with long distance family or even just talk to your friends; but there is something you may not know. People might be aloud to see your exact location, which could be a good thing but may prove otherwise. It could be good because if your parents wanted to see your exact location they could. This could be a bad thing because it lets people you may not know see your exact location.

The epidemic is spreading fast, are you going to do something to get rid of it? Like I said before kids are sharing too much on social media. The addiction is a disease and you might catch it, so be aware of what you post, check your privacy settings, and turn your location settings off. Don’t be a victim.

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