Sexism in Gaming | Teen Ink

Sexism in Gaming

January 30, 2017
By samwe123 BRONZE, Lowell Ma, Other
samwe123 BRONZE, Lowell Ma, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Hi Natasha K.,


I didn’t know that men could be so rude in video gaming!  Men don’t treat women the same as they do other men in video games.  The quote that surprised me was that “How about I handle this and you make me a sandwich?” That is not what you say that to women at all, we are just as important in the game world.  I have the same problem as you Natasha. My older brothers play video games and do not let me or my sister play at all. They think that it is too dangerous for us and that we would keep doing stuff wrong and the game would end quickly because we would keep dying or crashing. If we never have the chance to play, how are we supposed to know what happens and get any better?  All women should be loud to play video games. Rude comments about what to call a girl gamer is just wrong. How would the boy like it if the girl gamer make rude comment about them? Boys should see how girl feels when they are playing video games. Boys should invite the girls to play video games instead of telling them what to do. We need to be aware of the way they are acting and stand up for ourselves.

The author's comments:

That my brothers play video games  and they do not let  me play because I'm a girl. 

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