Save the Sea Creatures | Teen Ink

Save the Sea Creatures

April 1, 2024
By 4schleicher SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
4schleicher SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A big problem in our environment right now is how much trash is on our lovely beaches. The ocean is home to many wonderful sea creatures, and they are dying because of plastic debris getting into the ocean. A lot of sea creatures that are affected by all of this plastic are sea turtles, seabirds, crabs, and fish. They die from getting entangled in the plastic, which can result in losing their oxygen or possibly drowning.  The pacific ocean is where most of the plastic debris is in the entire world. 

If I were given all of the knowledge and money to save the environment and these creatures, I would do an annual beach cleanup. People who host annual beach cleanup don't normally get a lot of people because they don’t understand the benefit of it. To make the beach cleanup a success, I would gather a group of environmental specialists and people who are passionate about the safety of the ocean, and we would do a beach cleanup. Then for the people who don’t understand, I would give them money for helping out with cleaning the beach. 

If I were given all of the power to save these creatures and our planet, I would convince the government to raise taxes on businesses that give plastic out. A lot of grocery stores sell plastic bags and I think that if the government raised their taxes, they would have no choice but to not sell plastic bags anymore. This is the perfect plan because owning a business is already expensive, so adding more money will help them come to a logical conclusion. 

These are some of my plans to help make sure that the animals in the sea are not taken away from their home and have a beautiful place to live. This is a problem in our world, and we need to stop it.

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