Environmental Solutions | Teen Ink

Environmental Solutions

April 1, 2024
By Anonymous

There are many things we can do to help improve the environment. Even simple things that just take a human effort. Such as waste reduction. Such as reducing and reusing and recycling. Use public transportation, or even walk/bike if and when possible. Use less water, don’t leave your water running in an attempt to heat it up. Conserve your water. Also conserve your electricity and energy. Don’t just leave your lights on. This is just wasting electricity when it could be put to better use. And lastly, don’t litter. Throw away your trash. Polluting the environment kills animals. A one second action such as throwing your trash on the side of the right can do much more damage than you think. Littering endangers our environment, our wildlife, and our economy. It pollutes our neighborhoods, decreases property values, and destroys our city's natural beauty. Reuse things, this allows for less trash that could wound up in the environment such as the streets, roads, highways and or lakes / oceans. Also simply just don’t litter. Littering endangers both our environment and our economy, as well as the wildlife within the economy. Littering has also been shown to facilitate the spread of disease, which then affects the people in our economy. Adding solutions such as these, we can better understand how we as a society affect our environment. Little, few second acts can go a long way. And can even change our world for the better. Understanding that the things we do can either help or harm both our environment and our economy. So do little things, recycle, reuse things, pick up trash that you see on the side of the road, don’t leave on running water, turn your heater off when able. These little things can go a long way. And if we all put in the work. Our world will completely change. For the better.

The author's comments:

We should start to realize the affects that we have on the environment, and what we can to to change it in a positive way, and help better ourselves and our world. 

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