A Summer Well Worth It | Teen Ink

A Summer Well Worth It MAG

By Anonymous

   A Summer Well Worth Itby Jennifer Goulette, Kenmore, NYLast year in health class, my teacher announced that there was a summer Junior Volunteering Program at the Millard Fillmore Hospitals. Immediately a buzz went around the room. "Who wants to be stuck volunteering during the summer, and not get paid?" But to me, it sounded very interesting.When I received my schedule in the mail before the program started, I was a little uneasy about being placed in the Rehabilitation Department. I thought people wouldn't want to be touched in the process of healing, and it would be a little difficult. Boy, was I wrong!The department welcomed me with open arms, and put me to work immediately. I was constantly busy, either with paperwork, or running wheelchairs or walkers around the hospital. They told me that when I knew where things were, they would let me help with the patients.I was so anxious to help that I was ready in two days. Pushing people in wheelchairs to and from their rooms wasn't my most favorite thing, but what I really enjoyed was when the staff,with a patient's "okay," let me stay in the room to help support a limb, or just to keep the patient company.I know I want to become a physical therapist because of this volunteering experience, and I am looking forward to doing it again. I found it very rewarding, and think that others would too. It was a summer well worth it. fl

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i love this so much!