Ruby. | Teen Ink


November 15, 2013
By MeganBrianne SILVER, Centerville, Utah
MeganBrianne SILVER, Centerville, Utah
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Adventure is out there!"

Some tried to help
She tried to fix herself but still felt
Like a monster; she couldn't come out.
She worried about
The footsteps her treasures will have to fill.
She dammed up her floods of emotion with the power of ten,
Holding together for a span, but soon she would be again
Retreating, Relapsing, praying to make living better, but still
She continually looked down,
Her eventual end almost astonished our town,
But naturally most moved on, oblivious consumed vessels drifting without care.

The author's comments:
Based on "Ruby" by Foster the People, mixed with inspiration by personal experiences

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