Dear Friend | Teen Ink

Dear Friend

January 12, 2013
By Krazy.Katie GOLD, Sparks, Nevada
Krazy.Katie GOLD, Sparks, Nevada
12 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
Shoot for the moon, even if you miss you'll fall among the stars
What is always right isn't popular, what's popular isn't always right

Dear Friend
I know what you want to hear. You want to hear the truth, so here it is. The truth:
I never hated you
I could never, an I never will.
I don't blame you for being mad for just wanting to know why I have changed. The truth? I was being bullied. Shocking right? Me? Being bullied? Yea. The saddest part, it is the person who bullied me, you would have never known it to be. No it's not you. Promise. Who it is doesn't matter. What really matters is that I'm sorry. For everything. For fighting. For changing. For crying. I'm sorry for all the drama I caused you last year, and for all the tears we have both shed. I just hope you know and understand that you where never the problem. It showed me that you really cared about me. I also want you to know that to this day I'm still being bullied by this same person, and you will never know. But it's ok. I am strong and I can get through it. I get flashbacks of all the fun we used to have. Our laughs, inside jokes like "your voice is really annoying" or "that kid just don't need a step stool, he need a stepping stool" haha I miss all of that. Ever since you moved and had to change schools there's always something everyday I want to tell you or show you. Like my first basketball game I played in I cursed out a girl for pushing me... (I had to be penalized for a while) or a new dance routine I learned. Speaking of dancing, I haven't danced for a while. I miss it. I try to dance in my free time, but it doesn't feel the same than dancing with a room full of mirrors and hard wood floor. I hope everything is alright with you and your family. Mines alright. I had some big drama before Christmas...yea... Haha anyways I'm glad I got this off my chest. But I hope you know I'm still your friend and I will always be... And I will always be here to listen to pointless drama that I secretly love(:

<3 Katie

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on Jan. 12 2013 at 10:10 pm
AndSoItGoes01 SILVER, Reno, Nevada
9 articles 0 photos 147 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The winter I told you icicles are magic, you stole an enormous icicle from my neighbors shingle, and gave it to me as a gift, I kept it in my freezer for seven months. Love isn't always magic, sometimes it's melting." -Andrea Gibson

Amazing. Thank you for writing it.