Death Won't Do Us Part | Teen Ink

Death Won't Do Us Part

June 10, 2015
By squidspeaker BRONZE, West Roxbury, Massachusetts
squidspeaker BRONZE, West Roxbury, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If a bullet should enter my brain, let that bullet destroy every closet door." - Harvey Milk

The soft crying and screaming faded from her ears. Blood ran down from her face, from the blow that knocked her into darkness. God, what was that blow? The silence surrounded her, and darkness. Lots, and lots of darkness. Esther tried to move, but her body wouldn't let her. Matter of fact, she couldn't really feel anything. There was usually always some sort of hot or cold feeling from the temperature, or even her knee pain. But now it was just.. Empty. It then occurred to her, maybe this is what death felt like. Had the blow she received not only knocked
her out, but killed her? That's when the nauseating feeling of fear came over her, so no she wasn't dead.


That voice. It was distinguishingly female, or so Esther would say. The voice was in no way familiar, though. But still it kept whispering out to her.

"Hey, hey 1800s lady, wake up," the voice continued to pester her, and now she felt a shove to her side. That's when Esther's eyes shot open, and stared up at the slate ceiling above her.

'It's all grey..' Was the first thing that came to mind. Her eyes glanced side to side, weird machines surrounded her. Tubes and needles stuck into her, it was all very.. Grim. Her first instinct was to scream out for her mother and father, but it couldn't be worked out of her. Instead a small choked up cry was heard, as the beeping of one of the machines started to speed up. Women rushed in, two of them. They spoke a language she didn't, it was too quick to understand.

Esther decided to tune them out, trying her hardest not to shake in her place. The women walked away, they wore such unusual garments. It looked like men's clothing to her, though the women were, well, clearly women. Esther thought to herself, that maybe they were like Dianne. Dianne was such an unusual woman, though no one really discussed who she was.

The soft tapping was heard next, from the window blocking the outside hall, from the room. Esther groaned gently, and looked over to the window, but rather than one of the women who had rushed into the room, it was... Oh wow, she could not tell. The person who stood there, was a tall, scrawny person. They had a flat chest, and almost no curve to their figure. But to disregard the idea they were male, the person had long, straight, blonde hair. Their hands continued to tap on the window slowly, like they were trying to get Esther's attention. Their head shot up, and seemed to be listening to one of the women outside. Before a moment's time, the blonde person found their way into the room.

"Hi friend,"

The blonde had a high pitched voice, and was the exact voice Esther had heard before. But what she couldn't help to hear was soft, faint, muffled singing. Words could be heard gently, and seemed to be coming from.. Whatever was around the blonde's neck. 'Did you ever love her... Did you ever want to be alone..' The music, the singing, it was nothing ever like Esther had heard. God, what country was she in, France?

"I was the one who found you, well, curled up on the side of the road. Looked like you just fell from the sky or some s***," the blonde continued, sitting on the chair beside the bed Esther was laying in. Esther slowly began to sit up, looking over to the blonde.

"What's your name?" The blonde asked, tilting their head a bit.

"Esther Everett, yours..?" Esther's voice cracked a bit, trembling from fear and just because she hadn't talked in a bit.

"Sal Harris."

Esther stared puzzled at the blonde, Sal.  "Isn't that a man's name?" Her voice whispered hoarsely, now starting to hurt.

"No, it's a Sal Harris name." Another woman, not one of the women before, brought in a cup of what seemed to be water, and some sort of food. She nodded to Sal, before walking out of the room. Esther on the other hand seemed completely stunned at Sal.

Well then again.

Who wouldn’t?

The author's comments:

I like writing stuff about my characters because they're cool.

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