After the Encounter | Teen Ink

After the Encounter

August 15, 2023
By apeiore BRONZE, Irmo, South Carolina
apeiore BRONZE, Irmo, South Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

And although the memories will always scourge your mind--cold, spindly hands over your mouth, soulless eyes like pools of shadow, your most intimate thoughts being plundered by unfeeling telepathy--

no one will ever believe you.

The author's comments:

Inspired by the recent government revelations about the existence of extraterrestrial life. I've taken some creative liberties with exactly what aliens are capable of.

I believe what people get wrong about seeing cryptids is that the scariest part isn't their horrifying appearance, ugly though they may be--it's the realization that you are alone. You have to live with this life-changing knowledge while everyone else's worlds keep on turning. If you try to share what you know, people will laugh or think you're insane. It is a uniquely isolating experience.

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