the asylum | Teen Ink

the asylum

June 6, 2022
By Anonymous

About 4 years ago, I was wandering  around a huge wedding hall waiting for the food to arrive. 

I was pretty excited about the food because I knew that there was Chicago pizza which I personally thought was the best type of pizza. As soon as the food arrived I had skipped every possible person in my way and everyone looked at me as If I was a thief. In my head, I wondered where I was going to eat as I plopped noodles and pizza on my plate. I left the line after receiving my food and walked over into the dining area. There were so many people,it almost felt like every person in the world was there. I wanted to sit by my brother,but he was nowhere to be seen. I decided to go sit by my mom, but she was also not in sight. I realized they were probably in line somewhere so I decided to sit at a random table. Just as I was about to take a bite out of my pizza a group of three kids walked up to my table and sat around me. The first thing I noticed was the height difference between each of them.  The tallest one looked like he was almost my dad's height. I noticed he had thick glasses which almost looked like goggles and he had a very long neck. His hands seemed huge, so did his feet , it was almost like he was double my size. I looked at another kid with fluffy hair who was much shorter than the previous boy and seemed like he was younger than me. His teeth were bright, his shoes were jordan’s and he also had an Ipad in his hand. Lastly, I noticed a short kid who was about my height. The boy was wearing a Nike shirt and had very thick legs .The boy looked very chubby and had a lego action figure in his hand. I also loved legos so when they all sat down to eat I went up to them and asked if I could play with their legos. They all stared at each other looking super confused, almost like they were asked to solve an advanced math problem.  After what felt like years of awkward silence, the tall boy got out of his chair, ran to his dad, and brought back a lego figure. I was super happy to see his legos so I said “ can I hold it?”.  The tall boy replied “sure” and proceeded to give it to me. After we were all done eating we started wandering around the building and noticed that the wedding hall had a basketball gym inside of it. This was out of the ordinary so me and my new buddies decided to go play some basketball. When we first entered the gym we noticed people who were much older than us playing basketball. The big kids didn’t look like they were done playing so we had to find something else to do. We kept discussing what games we  should play until the short kid said, “How about we play hide and seek?” “ ok” we all replied. We took a vote on who should be the seeker. They decided to choose me to be the seeker.  I was very good at being a seeker so when I found the tall kid from the friend group hiding behind a chair he was significantly taller than. I decided to pretend like I didn't see him because I didn't want to ruin the game for him. About 5 minutes later I saw the boy with fluffy hair. I was gonna pretend like I hadn't seen him but he started running thinking I did. This left me no option but to go and catch him. I chased after the boy for a good 10 mins until he decided to give up after being exhausted.  The boy then quickly came up to me and whispered “ the short kid is under the table” . Apparently, the short kid was under the table we were originally sitting at so I decided to catch the short kid because I was getting tired of being a seeker. After catching the fluffy hair boy, and the short boy I happily walked back to where I found the tall boy but there was one problem. The boy had disappeared! He wasn't in the original spot where I had found him. Regret rushed through my body as I realized now I had to find him again and then tag him. I looked for about an hour and  still couldn't find him. I didn't understand how he could have possibly found such a good spot after originally hiding in the worst spot possible. I was going to stop playing and was just about to give up until this weird thought filled my mind. I started worrying that maybe someone had kidnapped him so I quickly ran to his friends which I guess were my friends now and told them that he could have gotten kidnapped. They didn't seem to care and just  continued playing some games on their dad’s phones. I couldn't believe they didn't care as I went into the bathroom hoping he was hiding in there. As I went into the bathroom I noticed a strange smell not a normal bathroom smell. It smelled like smoke which I thought was disgusting so I quickly left the bathroom. As I was walking out the bathroom I noticed the boys laughing at me. I decided to ask them what was so funny and then they decided to tell me that the tall boy, I was looking for left the wedding a whole hour ago. I did not know how to react. I was completely disappointed in myself for wasting an hour of my life looking for someone who was not even there. Me and the boys laughed it up as our time to go home came. As we were leaving the wedding hall I realized me and the kids seemed to have a lot in common so I asked my mom “ can you talk to their parents and ask if I could come over?” “ok” she replied. Ever since then, I realized going out of your comfort zone to interact with others, finding similarities,and gaining trust with them is the main key to making new friends.

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