Then the Sparrow Kissed the Lamb and True Love was Unserstood | Teen Ink

Then the Sparrow Kissed the Lamb and True Love was Unserstood

October 29, 2015
By 123carly BRONZE, Carbondale, Pennsylvania
123carly BRONZE, Carbondale, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

      Together they sat under the fading Sheffield sun by a small creek. The England air was chilly considering it was mid fall. The two did not seem to spark a single interest in the weather. However, their eyes were intently watching each others, hanging off every word the other said. The girl, Ashley clutched a small grey stone to her side. The stone never left her palm. The boy, Beau once asked what the stone was for. Ashley gave a saddened smile and chose not to answer. Beau remembered how distraught she acted after the question had been asked but he just brushed it off. Time after time it lingered in his mind. He felt odd about the stone but as long as Ashley liked it he could care less. For tonight they enjoyed each others company talking about the love they share for late night coffee, their love for the same and different rock bands, what books were their favorite and why, the meaning of life and, what happens after it. The sun was now officially gone and the night was a bitter dark. Beau had school tomorrow so he should be going. He knew Ashley was homeschooled. He never asked why. Reluctantly, he said a sweet goodbye to the beautiful girl he wished to call his one day. Like every night, he asked if he could walk her home and like every night she kindly declined.  Politely, he leaned in and lightly kissed the top of her head. Never has is lips brushed against hers He had thought about it multiple times throughout their rendezvous. He never acted on it considering she made him far too nervous. The two young lovers slowly walked away from each other feeling incomplete without one another.

      Later that night Beau lay peacefully in his bed with thoughts of the beautiful pale girl with icy blue eyes and long wavy blonde hair floating through his mind. She was indeed a mystery but that’s what drew him in. Even after months of hanging out with her there was still so much he didn’t know.
      Ashley sat in her small cabin like home quietly reading in front of the fire. Beau was beyond beautiful with his long shaggy brown hair and emerald green eyes. His body was toned and tanned. He stood around six foot, which was towering over Ashley’s small 5’4 frame. The young girl thought about the boy she had grown to immensely adore. Sadly, she also pondered thoughts on the horrors of the past and how she was sure she would never outgrow them. She went to sleep with sorrow filled eyes and a heart drowned in hatred.
      The next morning Ashley sat in her kitchen clutching the cold rock on her bare skin. She had grown far too attached to the inanimate object to let it go now. She knew what it signified and couldn’t dare let it out of her grip. She was bound to it. Often when she found herself far from home when she took the rocks lead. Desperately, she wanted more than anything to free herself from the terrors the rock beheld. The cruel boy called it a blessing when he bounded the stone with Ashley. Ashley took this more as a curse. The weight of the harsh reality weighed heavy on the pale girls shoulders and disenchanted her of her high hopes for a future filled with love.
      Beau’s day was wearisome. After a long football practice he headed home waiting a small text from Ashley telling him to meet her at the creek. Unfortunately, the text never came leaving Beau in a solemn mood. He attempted to text her but he had never got a reply.
      It has been three days since the young lovebirds have talked. They were still deeply devoted to each other. They’re hearts were entwined and would not and could not be untangled. Communication was at a lost for the two. Ashley has been getting sicker by the day and Beau was left in the dark from her problems and insecurities. The young beauty has a past full despair that she would never dare tell a soul. She still recalled what his hands felt like caressing her roughly as she screamed in terror for help. She remembered being dragged unwillingly across the cold ground with the gravel gruesomely digging in her flesh. She never felt safe anymore. Everyday day she wished she never found out about the other world filled with beautiful creatures. Ashley tried forget meeting the most beautiful warlock and falling for him. The affection the two shared were cut short when his eyes were filled with lust and her eyes were filled with tears and when his heart was black while her heart was gold. In remembrance he left her with a stone that held her failures and the memories that haunt her.
      It surprises Ashley how much passion she had for Beau. He was beyond perfect. She felt complete with him by her side. She was safe and nothing can inflict pain on her. She knew it was love that she felt for him for she couldn’t explain the devotion she felt for the gorgeous boy. She knew it was dangerous to find herself in somebody else because if he were to leave a part of her would be forever missing.
      Beau was in a grave mood as he sat listing to music and staring out his window. Rain came pouring down. The tapping noise soothed him. The fact that the day was incredibly dreary was ironic due to the fact Beaus mood was rather gray. In a matter of minutes Beau’s mood was lifted up and beyond when he received a text from Ashley telling him to meet her at the creek.
       Beau drove up to the creek and was overjoyed to see Ashley’s figure standing in the distance. He pulled his hood over his head and rushed to her. She turned to him and greeted him with a kiss on the cheek. “Ello love. I’m sorry I haven’t been around. I was sick.” Ashley said in a sweet tone. Beau did notice she did looked very sick. She was paler than usual; she looked tired, and just unwell in general. Although despite her being ill she was still incredibly beautiful and Beau could feel himself fall for her more every second. “It’s fine dear. I promise. So how have you’ve been?” Beau and Ashley talked vividly about anything and everything for a little while. “Why do you like me?” Ashley asked quietly with sadness lurking in her voice. Beau shot her a confused look then began to answer. “You’re different. You’re beautiful, funny, smart, interesting, and talented. We share the same interest and laugh at the same jokes. You are a great and caring person. You have compassion. You are just beyond gorgeous. Ashley you are everything I have ever wanted. Why do you ask?” Ashley felt small tears prick her eyes. Knowing her fate this was not fair to Beau. She didn’t want to hurt the one she cared about but under the circumstance she was not going to have a choice. “I just don’t understand. You are by far the most perfect person I have ever met, inside and out. But, I feel that you’re like a sparrow and I’m just a mere lamb. They are two completely different animals as we are people. Yes, all we feel for each other is utter compassion, love, and adoration but how will we ever work? You actually have a everything going for you and a bright future.” Ashley’s eyes slumped in grief. Then, Beau did the unthinkable. He leaned in and kissed her. Their lips moved together perfectly. At this point the sparrow kissed the lamb.
      Today was much sunnier than yesterday. The memories of yesterday still circled Beaus head. Yesterday was more perfect than what Beau could of ever asked for. While walking to first period Beaus attention was taken away from his thoughts and to the middle of the hallway. One of the schools star athletes, Derek was being taken away in handcuffs. Confusion struck Beau. What could he have done? Derek’s face was red and fueled with anger as he repeatedly shouted, “I didn’t do it!” Beau stared in shock. He noticed something odd about Derek that he never noticed before. His ears were pointed.
      Ashley sat in her bathroom with her long hair bundled up in a messy bun. She leaned over her toilet and hurled up anything she had left in her stomach. She stared at the rock in agony. This was all getting worse. The suffering will never end, just like he said. She clutched the rock tightly in her hand and stared at her self in the mirror. Her hand clasped over her mouth to stop from shouting. She didn’t look like herself anymore. Her eyes were dull. Her cheekbones were hallowed out. There were bags over her eyes. Her skin was completely colorless. Her weight has drastically dropped. She was not herself. Ashley was just an unfortunate depressed soul living in a dying shell. He who she would not dare say his name was right. Death will be on her horizon.
      Beau felt completely disgusted. There were rumors at school about why Derek was arrested. At first he did not want to believe them. Derek was a well-liked kid who did well in school. But, the rumors turned out to be true. Derek took advantage of somebody.  Beau could not grasp why anyone would do that. They would have to be mad!
      It’s been a couple weeks since the incident with Derek. It wasn’t really the talk of the school anymore. Most students wanted what happened to say unspoken. Everyone said that he was in jail somewhere far from here. Beau was happy to hear that. Switching his thoughts to a happier subject he thought of Ashley. He smiled at the thought of the pretty girl. He wondered how she was doing. They hung out a few times and she was still very pretty but she just looked so sick! He asked her a few times how she was. She just said that she was fine and it was cold. He had tons of homework to do so unfortunately he couldn’t hang out with her. Speaking of homework he should really get started on that.
      “I hate you! I hate you so much!” Ashley screamed at her hand that was holding the stoned which controlled her whole life. Everything was crashing and burning down around her. She lay in the fetal position on her floor crying harder and harder by the second. Complete agony coursed through her skinny body. To say she was terrified would be an understatement. If this were to end her precious life she would be doomed for an afterlife of misery. She would rather die at her own hand then let a curse decide her fate.
      The next day Beau couldn’t help but take notice of the trees. All of the autumn colors were beautiful. He was in a fantastic mood because he was driving on his way to meet Ashley. The weather was perfect, the sun was shining, and the birds were chirping. He drove to the creek and saw his favorite site. Ashley was waiting on the bench. He walked up to her happily. She turned around to face him with tear stained cheeks. Ashley told him that she couldn’t do this anymore. She told him that it was not he and in time he would understand. Ashley said to try to forget about her but how do you forget those who were everything? Beau just ran. He ran and ran till he couldn’t feel his legs. His heart was shattered; broke beyond repair. Beau would let Ashley drag him through the flaming pits below the earth if it met that he could be by her. He would rip out his beating heart and let her hold it. She was basically the owner of it anyway. Why would she do this?
      Ashley was at the edge clutching the rock loosely in her hand. She only knew one way to make the curse end. She didn’t want this to happen but there was no choice. Swiftly, she tossed the rock into the ravine and then her body followed.
      One month in a half has passed and Beau knew everything. Ashley left a note explaining everything in vivid detail. It was extremely difficult but Beau was doing his best to mourn. On this cloudy Sunday Beau made his way to an old cemetery. In the back there was a beautiful headstone for a beautiful girl. Once again he left flowers and muttered a few words. Often Beau would come here and tell her about his day. He had made a strict vow to never forget her. Out of the corner of his eye he saw a bright light beam down from the cloudy sky. He turned his body to see look at the light. Underneath it was the beautiful angel Ashley. They smiled at each other and said a few words. Then the sparrow kissed the lamb and true love was understood.

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