Safety Net | Teen Ink

Safety Net

June 11, 2014
By Scott13579 BRONZE, Oakland Township, Michigan
Scott13579 BRONZE, Oakland Township, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on." -Robert Frost

Edge stood at the pinnacle of the roof of Samantha's house. They had started going out three weeks ago, and that meant it was about time he showed her how astounding he could be.

"Edge, what are you doing on the roof?" she asked, a small amount of worry showing in her voice.

At that moment he leaped through the air, practically giving Samantha a heart-attack. He should have hit the concrete, he should have broken something. But instead, the ground parted for him. Time seemed to slow down. Everything around him began to change into a thick green substance. Even Samantha, who was now standing, frozen, running toward him, a panicked look on her face, had become a green statue. Not even the sun was exempt from this visual transformation. As it shifted to green, the world became ever so slightly darker.

Then he touched down on what was cement a moment ago, and instead of forcefully stopping his fall, it slowly produced however much give he would need, in this case, not very much. When the melting ground had stretched enough, it began to push upward on him, until he flew a few inches into the air, and came gliding to a surprisingly soft landing for having just jumped off a roof. As his foot made contact with the still mushy ground, it sent ripple through the ground leaving everything in it's wake, once again solid. The sun followed the ground's example, and became a bright yellow, once again filling the world with light. When both his feet were thoroughly on the pavement, the breeze picked up and time started moving, Samantha along with it. He knew very well she had see none of it. To her, he would simply have hit the ground, and stood up, completely unharmed.

As she ran toward him, her outdated look of terror, changed to surprise. "How are you not hurt?! Your legs look fine! They should be broken!" she said, clearly shaken up from the incident.

"Well, I guess I just landed right."

Samantha's little brother, Will, loved to play on the roof whenever Edge was up there. He would sit up there and watch Edge fall off, making all the other spectators amazed. But Will wasn't amazed, he was intrigued. He wanted to know how.

So one day, he did it too. He followed Edge off the roof. For the first few moments after he had left the roof, it felt relieving. But then he began to feel a rising sense of panic. He was doomed. No three-year-old would ever survive a jump from a roof, he was sure of that.

Just when he thought he would hit the ground, he fell into Edge's arms. From the moment he was caught, everything began to turn green. The neighbors constant clapping was interrupted, as they froze in place. The sun glossed over, and the light dimmed. Edge started sinking into the goop. Will was so amazed he lost consciousness.

When he woke up he was in the living room of his house, with his family circled around him. They were thanking Edge and some were crying. His family members hugged him, and then they returned to their daily activities. From the door, Edge gestured for him to come outside.

"You saw it, didn't you?" he asked Will.

He nodded.

They sat in silence for a moment. "Do you see that every time?" asked Will.

Edge nodded.

Will didn't know what to say. He was traumatized, his life was now in shatters, he never be the same. So, naturally, he managed, "Can we do it again?"

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