The Unknown | Teen Ink

The Unknown

April 9, 2014
By madieminyard BRONZE, Colfax, Ca, California
madieminyard BRONZE, Colfax, Ca, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As I open my eyes to the morning light I lift my heavy head when a pounding headache hits me. I groan and lie back down quickly. As I roll over on my rock hard bed I hear my little brother stir slightly. He is all I have left considering the apocalypse took the rest of my friends and family. My name is Brynn and my brothers name is Leo.
We need to get out and find food soon. Unfortunately the apocalypse didn't really leave anything for us to eat so our diet has been mainly vegetables. I am really starting to miss meat and I know Leo is too. But we do what we must to live.
I go over to Leo and shake him gently to wake up. He has been delicate ever since the disaster happened. Losing our parents has been hard on both of us but I know they would want me to be strong for him. So, I hold it together for the both of us. He opens his eyes slowly and grunts.
¨What do you want?¨ he groans at me.
¨Time to get up and try and find some food¨ I say calmly.
¨I am getting tired of this whole foraging for our own food thing. When will we find more people?¨
¨Soon I hope.¨
As soon as I grab my gun and Leo grabs his knife we are off to try to find enough food to keep us alive.

Stepping outside its dark and gloomy. The sky is covered with a thick blanket of grey clouds. The plant life is low in this part of the world. I think we are in Washington but there really is no way of telling unless we find one of those cheesy signs that say ¨Welcome to Washington¨ or whatever. Its weird things like that that you miss in times like this. I think I just really miss civilization, seeing people and all that stuff. I guess I should be thankful that I have my brother but sometimes I just want more than that. But I guess I should be thankful for what god gave me. Right? Right.

Leo and I are scavenging for some kind of food. Some days we get lucky and find a few squirrels but most of the time we get one to share and a few berries. Its blackberry season right now so there are a few bushes but the deer have already eaten most of them.

¨What is that smoke over there?¨ Leo asks in an excited tone

¨I don't know but we are going to check it out.¨

¨Be very careful where you step Leo. We don't know if whatever is making that smoke wants to hurt us or not.¨

So as we are walking as quiet as we can we hear what seems to be like men talking.

¨We need to find out if there are any other people within a five mile radius.¨ an adult male says

¨May I ask why?¨ responds a young girl. She looks about my age. Maybe younger.

¨We need to get together as many people as we can to face whatever has been making those inhuman screams.¨

¨Brynn what are they talking about?¨ Leo asks with a tremor in his voice.
¨I was hoping those sounds were just in my head.¨
¨Brynn what do we do?¨
¨We go back to camp gather our things and join them.¨

Leo and I didn't have much. Just some of our parents belongings that we couldn't bear part with.

So when we gathered our things we were off to find residence at the camp. And just like that we were reunited with people and about to face the unknown of our post-apocalyptic world.

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