Tsubaki | Teen Ink


March 11, 2014
By Anonymous

Fairy tales are real. They exist, but a normal human being cannot see them. It makes believing them a little hard, but what if more and more people were able to see them? Would it suddenly become a fact that fairy tales do exist? Well here is a story about a fairy one that can see us. Her name is Tsubaki. Her name is a camelia flower, which has no fragrance. Some would say that that is her impact on life, but the truth is the exact opposite. Tsubaki touches the person inside. The thing that really matters. Everyone around her has changed for the better, whether they see it or not. Tsubaki has a power, a power that no one sees.
When Tsubaki was in high school she had a friend named Iridessa. Iridessa is to be the new queen of the fairies. This job is really important and has the power to change the way things are done in the fairy world. Tsubaki and Iridessa were best friends in high school. They went together like peanut butter and jelly. That is just how close they were. Tsubaki and Iridessa always made fun of almost everyone else because they had though looks were important and that if they wore it once they can never wear it again. These fairies were always the ones to get queen because they were popular, but Iridessa was actually the most popular fairy at the time. Iridessa loved to make fun of the way they did things, but she was popular because of how she always made something look like new even if she had had it for years. Iridessa also had a great personality. One that agreed with everyone. Tsubaki on the other hand was not that popular. She was actually an outcast and only had a few friends, which didn’t bother her because she really didn’t need people in her life. Or so she thought.
Tsubaki unknowingly ran into a boy fairy. She was just on her normal walk home listening to her music like she always does and a boy fairy flies right in front of her and they crash. Unlike with human crashes, fairies don’t have to report them unless the fairies involved cannot agree on what to do. This was hardly ever the case since most fairies got along rather well or at least knew how to act like it. Tsubaki would always act like she cared when she would run into another girl fairy. Tsubaki just really wanted to get out of there as fast she could and reports take a very long time. For this crash or accident however, she wanted to stay as long as she could. The boy fairy was rather attractive and was wearing one of her favorite bands shirt. Tsubaki said, “I like your shirt it’s one of my favorite band.”
The boy fairy replied, “Thanks. It is one of mine too.”
“No way! That is so cool.”
“Yeah it is. Hey do you want to act like this never happened. I mean neither of us are hurt and the surroundings don’t seem to be damaged. I really have somewhere I have to be.”
“Yeah, sure. No problem. Well it was nice meeting you. Maybe we will meet again sometime.”
“Yeah. Maybe. Alright I really gotta go. Bye.”
Tsubaki really didn’t want him to go, but he said he had somewhere to go so she didn’t keep him waiting. Besides she had to get home to make her present for Iridessa. She is making a cake for her birthday. Along with her birthday present, which is a surprise. A lot of fairies don’t know that Tsubaki has a job and actually makes good money. It is because she doesn’t spend it on something that she thinks is pointless to have.
Tsubaki has been on her own for a while. Her parents died from going too far north and freezing up there. Some fairies say that they did it on purpose because of Tsubaki being so weird and nothing like normal fairies. Some fairies even say that she should have been human, because she doesn’t spend her time thinking about the way she looks.
The next day at school Tsubaki had everything ready for Iridessa, when suddenly she saw the boys that she crashed into. Tsubaki wanted to say hi, but she didn’t even get his name so she stayed quiet. Iridessa then came around the corner to meet Tsubaki, but the boy was tagging along.
“Oh my god I can’t believe you did all this Tsubaki!,” said Iridessa as she started to run towards Tsubaki.
“Of course I did. You are my best friend aren’t you?”
“Of course you are.” Iridesse then went to hug Tsubaki and said, “Thank you so much.”
“You are very welcome,” said Tsubaki with a big smile on her face.
Turning to the boy, Iridessa said, “This is Elemental. He is new here and I have to show him around. Would you mind helping me? I have to go take care of something real quick.”
“Sure. No problem.” Turning to Elemental, “My name is Tsubaki, incase you didn’t hear it earlier.”
“Hi, Tsubaki. Aren’t you the girl I ran into yesterday?”
“Yeah I am. I am really sorry about that. I should have been paying attention.”
“No, it’s okay. I shouldn’t have been in a rush. It was just I had 5 minutes to get to the school to take my test.”
“What was the test for?”
“Entering this school. They said that they would let me know as soon as it was graded and if I got in and I found out I did literally 5 minutes after I finished the test.”
“Well that’s good that you got to know really fast.”
“Yeah that’s true. Hey do you like to play video games?”
“Yeah I do. Why do you ask?”
“Oh, because of your shirt. It is one of my favorite games.”
“That is so cool! Maybe we could play together sometime?”
“Yeah for sure! Hey could you help me get to this class.” Elemental shows Tsubaki his schedule.
“No way! You have the same class as me!”
“That is too cool”
“Yeah. So shall we go to class then?”
“Yeah let’s go.”
Tsubaki and Elemental walked to class and all they could do was talk and smile. I guess you could say that maybe this was the start of something bigger. Tsubaki and Elemental ended up having most of their classes together and everyday they would talk more and more. Iridessa saw this and stayed her distance, because she started thinking that Tsubaki has a chance of having a boyfriend and a good one at that. Iridessa started to plan the future, for this was their senior year and she was to be queen, or at least that is what the rumors said. Iridessa had plans to change the way the fairy world was run to something better. Something that no one will expect, but will better the lives of everyone. Iridessa hasn’t told Tsubaki yet. She wanted it to be a surprise for when they graduate.
Tsubaki and Elemental eventually ended up dating and they have been dating to this day. They are one of those couples that everyone is jealous of because they have been together for so long. They have been dating for about five years and are thinking about getting married. It is also about the time for Iridessa to fully become queen.

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