The Unknown | Teen Ink

The Unknown

January 13, 2013
By Anonymous

January 12, 2020 one amicable afternoon sitting in my reclining chair watching high definition television, lost in my own world with nothing to worry about. A struggle to stay awake with my eye lids heaving as I start to drift to sleep. Time is at peace. Waking up to a loud, daunting noise of an explosion and sirens going off . The screams of people are discomforting. I venture to the window to catch eye of an unknown creature that is to blame for the raucous. There is not just one but multiple of these mysterious creatures struggling to run around. Their pale green skins, repulsive look with torn clothing and markings all over their macabre bodies. I hear a knocking on my door. My heartbeat accelerates, I stop in my footsteps as I listen some more to pounding on my door. I carefully walk inaudibly over to the door and peek through the hole. I fling the door open to Andy running in and screaming to close the door.
“What’s going on out there?” I ask nervously. “These creatures? I don’t know what they are. their after us everyone though” Andy insists.
“They look like a science experiment gone wrong.” I suggested for a calming reasoning.
I look out the window. My stomach sinks. In just one hour the beautiful peaceful town I live in is obliterated. Buildings burned, streets emptied, car sirens going off. What would do such a thing? Screams stopped, but who would want to go and find out why? The fear of encountering these creatures is overwhelming. Andy and I quiescent in the Kitchen fearing of what to become. There is a scratching at the door…

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